Crash Man x Reader

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You could tell that Crash Man seemed different today, not in a good way. You luckily found Quick Man, "Hey Quick?"


"Does Crash Man seem off to you?"

"A bit, he's been like this for days now."

You look worriedly at Crash, who was sitting outside slouched over. You walked to Crash, thanking Quick. You sit by Crash, "Hey Crash, what's up?"

He stayed silent for a while, "(Y/N)?"


"Are you.... Embarrassed by me?"

You looked at him, confused, "What? Why would I be embarrassed by you?"

His eyes look sad, "It's just that I'm clumsy with my drills, I can't handle my emotions well, I blow up everything, most people are scared of me, I'm not worth your time! I 'm not worthy enough to be your friend!" He put his drills to his jead as he yelled, tears flowing down his cheeks. His voice was cracking from the sobs and tears. "I wish I could just disappear..."

You look at him with worried eyes, you place your hand on his back, "Who ever said I was embarrassed by you?"

He looked up at you with tears still in his eyes, you continued, "I'm never embarrassed around you, because you are yourself. You make me smile on a bad day, you're my friend when I'm alone, you make me feel brave, Crash. I love you. So very VERY much."

You lift his head up, with a gentle smile, he looks at you in awe as he hugs you tight, sobbing. You gently kiss his forehead, petting his back while hugging him back. "I love you two, (Y/N)." He whispered with sobs breaking his voice.

"Everything okay in here?" Quick Man popped his head out the door, then he noticed the situation you and Crash were having, he simply nodded and returned into the other room. Crash released from the hug, as you wipe his tears away and you kissed him on the cheek. 

"Please, don't ever think that I'm embarrassed by an amazing person like you." He smiles as he pulls you into a kiss, you instantly melt into the kiss as you two smile and laugh together, for the rest of the day.

Megaman Robot Masters x Reader (REQUESTS CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now