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I felt something soft poke my stomach. I let out a small groaning hiss and scratched it.

"Maddy, get up, we need to go."
I rolled over.
Just five more minutes.....

I felt a sharp pain go into my tail, and I lept up and batted the attacker. It was Robbie. Borador. Whatever. He was standing on my tail next to my Mum. She ruffled her feathers and brought her wing down on the back of Robbie's head. I sat up and started licking my injured tail.

I hissed at my Mum and Robbie, before Mum picked me up by the scruff and flew me to the top of the tree, the sky waving underneath me. I cowered into my mums talons watching everything grow smaller below me. The earth was wavering below me.

"Mum? How high are we?!" I meowed letting out a small whimper. Mum let out a small chuckle and flew me down towards the floor, just a few meters, it wasn't much but it took a bit off my fear of heights. I purred and let my tail flow behind me in the wind, letting out a gleeful purr I spread my legs out and put my fears behind me. I really felt like I was flying. Without any warning Mum flicked me up into the air and let go of me. Letting out a startled growl I watched the earth come tumbling back towards me. Flailing my arms around. I was seconds close to crashing against the tree and braking some important bones. Bracing myself for the impact I closed my eyes and curled into a ball protecting my organs.

Suddenly Mums reassuring talons wrapped around me and flicked me up again. It was like she was playing with her prey, suddenly I landed on her back so I clung onto her feathers for dear life.

"Maddy? Are you alright?"
Mum asked worry tinting her voice, I let out a reassuring purr and burrowed my head into her back. She spread out her wings then glided down to pick up Robbie, who was looking up at us with wonder imprinted on his face. Mum flicked him up onto her back where I was already at. he glanced at me and gave me a lopsided grin. I returned one and snuggled up next to him, both of us enjoying the view.

The view was amazing, no one could argue with that. But it quickly passed I to night time, and that's when I started to realise how tired my mum was getting tired; her tailed drooped a bit, we were going slower and she was panting really hard.
"Mum... Do you want to take a break?"
"Yeah Mrs Smith... Why don't we go take a nap by that creek?

"No... No. Just a few more minutes"

Me and Robbie shared a glance but didn't argue with my mum. After a few agonising minutes Mum dropped down into a tree. After me and Robbie got off she dragged herself down a branch and practically collapsed into slumber.

Robbie let out a small chuckle and shifted into human form.
"Jesus Robbie! Get some clothes on!" I meowed covering my eyes. Robbie went bright red and urgently shifted back into Dog form. Robbie shifted slightly further away from me, embarrassed. I giggled and snuggled back up next to him and let out a long yawning purr. He relaxed a bit and stretched out next to me, both of us looking up at the stars. I dozed off embraced in his fur.
I woke up to see Robbie staring straight into my eyes, "Your as beautiful as that sunrise" he murmured into my ear.
"That's because I'm a Cat, I'm supposed to be beautiful."
"In Human form I mean,"
"so I'm not beautiful in cat form?"
"Shut up. "
We turned over to look at the sunrise, sat next to each other, I leant into his broad shoulders and sighed in happiness.

"Your Daughter and her boyfriend are really cute together."
Me and Robbie leapt up to see where the voice came from. A squirrel gazing at us, my mum perched behind squirrel trying to hold in a laugh.
Robbie's hackles started to raise and he started to prowl towards him.

"Shit, my time to go then?" The Squirrel quickly became a bit bigger and a Amber colour then leapt off the top of the tree. I gI gI gasped and ran to the closest but most secure branch near where he jumped off. I saw the squirrel floating down but with skin, like a parachute, was stretched inbetween his arms. He laughed and landed on the branch below, changing back i a normal red squirrel, ping I leapt to the trunk to climb down, but I saw stairs carved into the trunk. Wary I climbed down, uncertain on what to think. Mum hopped down the stairs be hind be.
"Mum.... What is this place?"

"Maddy. You have a lot to learn..... "

So!!!! Sorry for making you wait for.... What? 6 months?!?! 😁😂 I actually feel really bad for how small this chapter is compared to how long you will wait. The end is so close, I just don't know how to get there... You know? I'm thinking after I've finished Maddy's view on all of this, I should do Robbie's? But of the whole story? By if I do I promise I will post more, Promise.

Also a really big sorry for anyone who enjoyed reading my other story Wrong Number but I deleted it due to poor feedback. I had it all wrote out as well, also another big reason why I took so long to update once again. Sorry. :)

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