The Grand Tour

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"Maddy. You have a lot to learn...."

"What?! But I've just given up school?!"

The squirrel tried to hold in a laugh and Mum just looked disappointed. Robbie held up his paw, I ignored his offer for a high five and just looked down. Robbie lowered his paw,  embarrassed.

Mum sighed and waddled up to me,  putting her wings on my shoulders she let out another sigh. "Maddy. This isn't any joke, what I'm about to tell you. You can't tell anyone, well, humans at least, but still, this Is our lives now Maddy. You dont need your other lessons. English. Maths. Science. It's all gone. What we teach you is all you need." Mum explained to me.
I sat down suddenly. So the last stressful 12 years of my life were a waste? When I was in the city I could of been here, outside in a forest, sat on a tree talking to a flying squirrel a dog and a sort of eagle which is my mum? Wow, that is pretty messed up.

The squirrel looked up to me, as my Mum said her wing of my shoulder. She cautiously reached out her paw offering to shake mine, I took the offer and shook it. The squirrel smiled, well I think it was a smile you can never tell with squirrels.
"Hi, I'm Germany,"
Germany as in the country? I kept my thoughts to my self and smiled politely.
Germany rolled her eyes as if she read my mind. I could feel my eyes widen as I made a small head shake. Germany laughs "Come on you kitten, I'll sort you out with Alaska to show you around," another geography name? Is there some sort of theme? "and you pup. You can tag along, or you can go find Peyton again, you seemed to really hit it off last time."
I smiled and nodded "Sure, I'll wait for her at the top of the tree?" I meowed as I attempted to flatten out my mangled fur. I hooked my claws into the bark of the tree so I could shift myself back up the tree.
"Peyton will meet you in the Camp, she's been looking forward to see you again, I think k she missed you. If you know what mean, stay careful pup." Germany-I think, you cant really tell when your not looking- Said to Robbie, her pitch going up a note at the at the last sentence. Imentappy chuckled. And face palmed at the weirdness of adults, they're always assuming the worst.

As if Robbie would like Peyton. He's my knight in shining armour.

As I got on top of the canopy of leaves, I stretched out and lay back in the sun, waiting for Alaska. My thoughts danced over what had happened in the last six months, my mind especially lingering over Robbie. A smile played on my lips as I gently drifted into sleep.


"Maddy, Maddy," I let out a stifling yawn and stretched out my claws.
"Maddy, Maddy. Maddy"
I held in my annoyance in as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.
"Maddy, Maddy, Maddy. For gods sake MADDY get of your lazy arse and let me do the god dam tour."
Sitting up straight I mumbled as I was suddenly slapped out of slumber. After my eyes came into focus I looked up to see who was bugging me. A red fox cub came into view the sun glaring into my eyes.
"Alright, alright I'm up" I mumbled. The cub clearly perked up.
"Great! We can start with the tour!" the cub started leaping out of sight, I scrambled after her trying to keep up.
"OK! So I'm Alaska, yes the place, and your Maddy. Great we've now astablished that, moving on. OK, since your Mum dropped you straight on here, which is the meeting tree by the way, we can finish with your tree last, which is row 4H and tree 23. Usually regulars tend to put newbies straight in their homes, but your mums cool, so we're all OK with that. OK. What have we got over so far?"

I tried to recollect my memory but it's hard to pick out key facts when someone's talking so fast. I've never seen such a bubbly fox. As I jumped down onto the floor from the lowest branch I tried to answer as accurate as possible.
"Your Alaska, I'm Maddy, this is the meeting tree, my house is 4H 23, and my Mum is apparently cool. Right?"

Alaska smiled. "Right. I have taught you well my trainee" I giggled "OK, on with the tour. That Rowan Tree there is the cafe restraunt place, most shifters usually cook themselves or have barbeques but it's a good places hang out, I have to recommend their darkforest smoothie though, it's the nicest thing you have ever tasted. OK... What else will you need to know... Ah! That big oak tree is the learning tree. Not like school work learning, about the forest and how to control, maintain and nurture your shifter Powers, it's really cheesy but its also really helpful. I have learnt that I'm a shifter of woodland, cool right? I dunno what you might be, it's always something linked to your parents, my mum is mainly squirrels but she can also do some rodents, I got the woodland of my mums squirrel, and my Dad was a badger. So your mum is Shifter of Birds, the Eagle, so what is your Dads?"

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