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I rushed into school, sweating buckets. I barged through the doors, pushing all students in my way. Getting glares and curse words thrown at me I, just, managed to claw my way to my form room in record time. I burst through the room. The teacher glared at me, gesturing to my seat. Sighing I scuffled my way to my seat at the front. I felt people staring holes into my back, I adjusted my battered tie, feeling self conscious.

I sat down staring at my hands. As our teacher started rambling about what's going to happen my eyes started to roam around. As the person next to me moved their arm I noticed a piece of string hanging limply off their blazer.

I sat in form staring at my hands trying not to look anyone in the eye, I was sat right at the front even though I was stupid and unpopular.

My eyes caught notice of a piece of string dangling off someone's blazer,

I stared at it thinking carefully.

My eyes narrowing and everything came into sharp focus.

I smacked the piece of string I was staring at.

I realised I had grabbed the hand of Luke! Quoted from the brain dead girls at our school "Fittest in our year! Well definatley not next year, cos' they are hhhhoooooootttt" personally I don't think like this, but the populars are always right. Right?

I looked into his eyes, uncertain of his reaction.

He grinned "Im sorry I don't usually hit in people in the middle of class."

I blushed a deep shade of scarlet

"Sorry... I shouldn't of done that..." I mumbled

He flashed me a dazzling smile

"Yeah your right, wanna get some pizza after school?"

I stared, shocked.

No ones ever asked me out before!

"Uh, yeah" I stutter

He nods at me, pleased of his new accomplishment


Maths. Mental Abuse To Humans

It was the most boring subject I have ever had witnessed, you just sit there staring at shapes.

But I was sat with Luke! He as constantly flirting with me,

It just completely rid of the boredom!

We could just flirt and flirt, and when the teacher tries to stop us he would just ruffle his dark glossy brown hair and stare at Miss with his sea blue eyes all innocent, an we'd have no DT!

He was awesome, he could just do anything wrapping the teachers around his little finger,
I asked him about it and all he said was

"Hey, I need to save the rest of my fingers for you to hold,"

He said batting his eyelashes mockingly,

I giggled at him, knowing that's what he's expecting,

I smiled sweetly praying silently that the bell would ring and give me an excuse to get away from him,

I know I was giving him the wrong impression but how could I turn him down?

My first boyfriend!

But I don't like him...

How am I supposed to tell him?...

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