Contest Cover.

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A/N 3rd Jan 16
Hi! This is just an author's note,  well obviously,  about a competition I'm opening to my readers, I'm getting bored of my current cover, and, I've changed my name since then so I'm desperate for a new cover.  And to be honest I'm not very good at making them. So,  I would like you all to create a new cover for me! 

1.)Has to include my user name Caitlin_67
2.) The Name of the book 'Cat Shifter'

How to enter:
Create a chapter to your already made book (or just add it as a banner) dedicate it to me so I can find it, ill leave a PM saying you've been entered. Or create a new book and just simply label it 'Cat Shifter Comp' and dedicate the chapter to me, youll still be entered. I know I might not get any entries, but you guys have all be awesome readers, and ill love to get at least 10 entries. Then we can allocate if I get stuck between the entries (Only will happen if you submit one)

1.) Officialy new book cover, Honest comment In book(if you have one) and vote, follow a d dedicated chapter.
2.) Honest Comment and vote,  dedicated chapter. Follow.
3.) Honest comment. Dedicated chapter.

Honorable Mentions..) Dedicated Chapter. Maybe vote

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