Insecurities (PART 2.0)

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So @elisaxxta said she wouldn't mind a Werewolf insecurities chapter so here it is

》 Paul 《

Everyone knew Paul used to be a player. And people didn't mind pointing it out to you. A couple of his old flings looked at you in disgust and one even dared to called you a hoe in the face. But either way, you didn't let it get to you, though it would affect Paul. He would feel shit and was scared you would leave him because no one believed you guys were actually dating. They just thought you were another fling so it brought Paul's self esteem down.


》 Seth 《 (A slightly older you, and a slightly younger Seth)

Everyone thought Seth was too young for you and so they underestimated him all the time. They didn't think that Seth was capable treating you well, according to many guys who asked you out. So it really made Seth mad to know that no one thought he could be good enough for you.

I only write Seth and Paul werewolf ones because their ones are the only ones I know how to write, not to mention that if I start to add a lot of characters I'll update wayyy later than usual
Anyways, thanks for reading and have an awesome day :)
~Senpei xxx

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