chapter 20

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Nirvana Pov 

I got push out of the room when Jacob machine started to beep and he started to shake bad.  I sat in the waiting room pacing back and forth trying to figure out when is the doctor's going to come out and talk to me. I saw Jacob doctor and walk over to him and ask if jacob was ok and why was he shaking like that. The doctor told me to calm down and take a seat. I was going to protest, but i sat down.

" Jacob was awake and that he could breathe on his on but (gco)." the doctor said. 

" what do you mean but doc." i said to him. 

" ok i want you to brace yourself for the words you are about to hear ok nirvana." 

" ok doctor go ahead im ready." 

" ok jacob lost his memory during the coma." 

I froze. I felt like my whole world was coming down to me and crashing. I started to hyperventliate because i started to think about how he wouldn't know that i was the love of his life and that he would never remember me ever again. I slid my back against the wall and started to cary very hard, the doctor started to comfort me. 

" when would he get his memory back." i said above a whisper. 

the doctor sigh. " i really don't know it could be a month..or a year pr possibly never, but i will give him medicine and just try and help him re-gain his memory." 

I took in all what the doctor said and started to cry even harder. I felt like i couldn't even breathe anymore, my heart ache so bad cause of the thought that Jacob wouldn't recongize me and i realize today that I love jacob so much that i couldn't live without him. I needed him in my life and i would do everything in my power to get kacob his memory back. I took some deep breaths and walk down to jacob room. I stared down at the door anticipating if i would go in or not. I finally decided that i would go in. I slowly open the door, i peak in and saw that he was sitting up in the bed flipping through the TV. My heart started to speed up when he look at me and gave me a werid look. 

" Uhh... Hi who are you?" he said to me. 

I felt like i couldn't talk, i finally spoke up and said my name. 

" That's a cool anme and it's like the band." he said smiling. 

I let out a nervous chuckle and said yeah. 

" come on and sit down next to me." he said patting the space next to him.

i did what he said and sat down next to him. 

" The doctor told me that i lost my memory." he said looking down. 

" yeah you did, but i will do everything i can do to make your memory come back." 

" cool where is my mom?" he asked. 

" uhh she's coming is there anything you want to know." i asked him. 

" uhh..yeah where was i born and all that stuff." he said smiling at me. 

" well you're from California you move here when you were 10." 

" oh ok cool well what are you and are you my girlfriend or something." he said. 

I laughed and blushed. " oh no were not together we are just really close but you did alot of things for and you actually love you rememeber at all." i said looking in his eyes searching for him to remember. 

He look at me for a minute and it gave me hope that it was all starting to come back. 

" uh not really i'm sorry i don't remember you, but i will try to." he said. 

I felt like I've been ran over and over again, i wanted to break down and cry again but i had to be strong.  I said oh ok in a sad voice, i was about to walk out but he stop me. i turn around and said yeah. He gave me a smile and told me bye. My heart had fluttered, I smiled and told him bye. 

Author Pov 

She took in everything that happen and she started to cry silently. She drove to jacob house. Omce she got there she park her car in the driveway, walk up  to her front door and knock on her door. His mom opened up the door and welcome her in. Nirvana went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. His mother did also, she told her that she needed to tell her something very important. Nirvana told heer that jaocb had woke up. His mother started to smile very hard and rush to get to the hospital. Nirvana told her to wait because she had some more news that she would need to sit down for. His mother sat down and ask nirvana what was wrong. Nirvana told her that jacob lost memory and the docotors don't know when he will get it back. Right after she told her they both started to cry hugging each other. His mom told nirvana that everything was going to be alright and nirvana  nodded. 


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