chapter 6

399 11 4

Jacob Pov

i got up around 10:00 and i went downstairs and saw my mom drinking some coffee, i said hi to her and she told me to come sit down she wanted to talk to me. i said ok and sat down.

" why did you and chresanto got into a fight yesterday." my mom said.

i sigh." it was nonthing mom." i said.

i could tell she wasnt believing me so i tried not to make contact with her.

" i dont believe you so whatever you did to that girl, i want you to go to the hospital and apologize to her." she said.

i suck my teeth man i am not going to that damn hospital, she got me fuck up up down, left and right.

i then felt a smack on the side of my head.

" ow mom." i said.

" you are going to go there and tell her your sorry for whatever you did." she said.

i mumbled a fine.

i went upstaris to my room and took at 25 minute shower, put on some weed sweatpants, my nirvana shirt. to top is off my white high top air-force 1s.i got my car keys told my mom bye and drove to the hospital that nirvana was at.

i park in the parking lot and got out and went to the front desk. i ask the lady at the front desk what room was Nirvana Smith was in. she told me the room 539. i went to the room and knock on the door, she said come in. i took a deep breath and open the door.

" h-hey n-nirvana." i said with a little smlie.

i saw that she had fear in her eyes when she saw me, i started to feel horrible.

" w-what are you doing here p-please dont hurt me.' she said.

i sigh and took a seat next to her, i saw that she scooted over. i took a deep breath.

" look nirvana i am really sorry, i didnt know i put you in the hospital until roc had came to my house and told me. i've never meant to hurt you." i said on the verge of crying. 

" then why do you bully me and say hateful words to me." 

" beacuse i-i..."

" BECAUSE YOU WHAT." she yelled.

i got up with tears running down my face.

" BECAUSE I LOVE YOU." I yelled.

" you w-what."

" nirvana i loved you since 4th grade, i just didnt know how to come to you and say i did. then i started to have famliy issues, so i change. i started to not take my pills, and you just stop talking to me so i started to bully you. im starting to regret even doing this to you. im so sorry nirvana." i said.

" jacob do you know how much you did to me, i had to wear sweatpants and sweatshirts for two fucking years just because you put brusies and cuts on me. i am now insecure of my body because of you, you put me through so muchfucking pain but i still dont know why i still fucking love your abusive ass." she said crying her eyes out.

" wait you love me." i said shock.

" jacob i have always loved you but you have change and i cant love you anymore, if you keep doing this to me." she said. 

thats when i couldnt take it anymore, i ran up to her and smash my lips onto hers. i felt thousands of sparks to she gasp so i guess she felt them too. i then lick her bottom lip asking for an entrance and she gladly accept. i darted my tongue in. omg this feels so good. i was about to lay on top of her but she push me off. 

" GET OUT." she yelled.

" but wh ( gco)."

" JACOB GET OUT PLEASE JUST GET OUT." she said crying.

i walk out her room and i started to cry.

ive did enough damged to her now she will never love me.

awwww poor jacob, well maybe she will start liking you back if you just take yo damn pills. ok guys did you liike the chapter or nah. comment and vote. 

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