chapter 7

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Nirvana Pov
My alaram clock had woke me up, i yawn and strech. i went into the bathrrom and took a shower with some vanllia body wash for about 25 then i got out and lotion up and put on my white crop tope " i woke up like this" in pink letters, some blue high waisted pants, and my pink vans. With my hair in a bun with a flower bow, my glasses and my rugrats book bag. i put on a little makeup.
i went downstairs and greeted my parents. they said hi to me and we eat breakfest together. i went backupstairs and got my phone and bookbag. i told my parents bye and grab my keys, head to my car.
once i was at school i park my car and got out. i saw that some people were giving me sorrowful looks, i heard some people say " i cant believe that happen to her", " nirvana back yayy", " jacob gone get his ass kick by chresanto". The last one i had laughed because it was funny and it really happened.
i went to my locker and got my books her 1st period and when i was walking down the hall and i saw jaocb. we both had look at each other, it felt like we were the only people in the wolrd. i broke the stare by going a different direction. i got to 1st period and saw emonie and chresanto. i went over to them.
" hey guys." i said.
" hey." they said in unison.
" sooo how was the date tell me everything." i said
they both smrik.
" well we had an awesome time." emonie said.
" andd a few things went down when we came back." roc said smriking.
emonie blush. i had a surprise look on my face.
" yall are nasty just nasty." i said.
they laughed. ok i have to tell emonie and chres about what happen yesterday but not chres right now maybe in lunch.
" hey chressy could you like leave for a minute me and emonie need to have a girl talk." i said to him
" you dont have to tell me twice." he said.
" what happen yesterday." emonie said.
i took a deep breath. " ok so jaocb had came in yesterday and he told me he was really sorry and i didnt forgive him then he started to explain to me why he bullied me and that he loved me since 4th grade and i was really shock and he started crying so i srated to and he said will i be his and i said no then later on i blurted out that i loved him then he had kissed yea thats what happen." i said.
i saw that her face had shock all over, i blush.
" damn i cant not believe he did that well how do you feel." she said.
i had to think about that question tbh i just confused.
" to be honset emonie im just confused but i loved him and i cant be with him if he still bullies me and i am getting tried of it."
" dang well it will get beter ok i promise nirvana."
i smlied and nodded for the rest of the period we did work.
( bell rings for 2nd period)
i got my stuff and went to my locker and i got my stuff for 2nd period when i got there, i just sat at a empty seat.
Ray Pov
yayyyy my first pov about time nigga damn anywhore
i met up with prince and we talk about what we did this weekend so i went to 1st period and we did work for that period.the bell had rung so i went to my locker and got my stuff for 2nd period. i walk in and saw the most beautiful girl sitiing next to my seat. i went and sat in my seat.
" hi my name is rayan smith but you can call me ray ray, whats your name." i said smiling at her.
she smlied back. " hi my name is nirvana smith and you can call me vana.'
" i see someone stoled my last name im not going to say her name but it starts with a n." i said.
she laughed " nahh you stoled mines first."
we had a conversation until the teacher came in and i started to do the work. the bell had rung and nirvana had already left the class. i ran out the class to catch up with her. i yelled out her name and she turn around and smiled.
" hey um..i was wondering if we could talk more you know n-not always here.' i said.
she blushed " sure let me see your hand. ' she said.
she wrote her number on my hand and she said to her. i smiled and said ok, she smlied and walk away.
( lunch time)
Nirvana Pov
i put my stuff in my locker when i had finish talking ray. I was walking diown the hall when somebody pulled me into the janitor closet.
" what the he-( gco)."
the person turned on the light and i saw it was jacob ughh..what does he want now.
" jaocb what do you want." i said.
" about yesterday."

" What about it." I said.

He rolled his eyes " come on nirvana I know you had felt those sparks when we kissed." he said.

I fell silence.

" See now please can you just please let me in." he said.

" Jacob I can't do this...we can't do this you still bully me and I've found s-someone else." I said almost crying.

I look up at him and in his eyes I saw that he was about to cry.

" W-who."

"Jacob I have to go."

I ran out the closet before he could say anything. I stop for a minute and let the tears flow. why does he do this to me, my mind is telling no don't be with him, he bullies you but my heart is telling me something else.

I went into the cafeteria wiping my tears away. I got my food and sat with chresanto and emonie.

" Hey baby." emonie said.

" Hey boo." I said.

Chres look shock. " so you cheating on me emonie." he said

" Yuppy pretty much." she said.

We laughed...ok nirvana tell them.

" Guys I have to tell yall something." I said.

" Go ahead." they in unison.

" Ok so when I was coming from 2nd period about to go to lunch someone pulled me into the janitor closet and they turn the light on and it was jacob, now I told emonie but not you chres...umm me and Jacob had kissed and he express his love for me anyway he wanted to talk about it but I didn't want to he asked me did I feel the Sparks to I did but I didn't want to admit. so I told him that we couldn't do it cause he stills bully and because I had found somebody else. guys when I look into his eyes I saw heartbroken. then after he ask me who it was I told him I had to go then I left." I said.

I look over at them and they had different emotions on there face so I couldn't tell what they were thinking.

" So guys I need advice." I said.

" My question is did you really find somebody else." emonie ask.

" No it's this guy named Ray, I think he is cute but we are just friends right now." I said.

" Well I really don't know what to tell ya I should say don't go with Jacob because he know what ya that's what I say." chres said.

" I think Jacob might change and if he don't you gotta find a way to let him go." emonie said.

I took a sigh and thought about what they said, it was time for our 3rd period . I have gym so I went to my locker and got gym clothes. I went to the bathroom and change my clothes. I came out and started to run around the track with my headphones. I started to think about what I am going to do with Jacob .

I don't know if I want to be with him or just find somebody else. I really love him even if he bullies me I know that sounds crazy. I just can't get over that kiss I have never felt so many sparks like that. his lips was so soft and his touch drove me crazy.

I need to make up my mind. I heard coach blow the whistle telling us to come on. I went inside and change back into my clothes.

( skip to the end of day)

Me and emonie went to our locker got our stuff and went to our cars. I'm going over to her house. I drove to her house, we both got out and went inside. we did our homework and chilled.

Hello my lovely readers I hope you guys like this chapter comment and vote the next chapter will be up next week.

Why do I even love himNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ