chapter 21

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Nirvana Pov

Today is the day that jacob get's out of the hospital. I got to the hospital and asked the nurse at the front desk to check out jacob perez. I saw him come out the room with crunches on. 

" hey vana." he said smiling. 

i smiled back. " hey jake." 

We got into the car and I asked him did he want anything to eat. He said that he wanted some chipotle. i drove to the chipotle that was down the street from the hospital. I park the car and we both got out and went inside the place. we both ordered our food, then sat down where the window was at. 

" hey vana i have a question." he said. 

" whats up."

" do you want to come with me to get another picering and i was thinking you could get one to." 

" yeah thats sounds cool i always wanted a nose ring." i said to him. 

After we finish our food, we went to his mom house and just chilled for a while in his room. 

Author's Pov

Nirvana woke up around 8 and she realize that she slept over his house. she look over and saw how he slept like a baby. she smiled at him, she took in all his features and she realize how fine this boy was, she found herself leaning in until she found her lips on his.

Jacob Pov

I woke up and felt a pair of lips on me, I was surprise that she was kissing me. I was going to push her off of me, but I felt myself kissing back. we made out for a while until she pulled away.

" oh I am so sorry Jacob..i didn't mean to do that..i-i need to leave."

she grab her stuff and ran out the house while I chased behind her and telling her to stop and come back.

Authors Pov

she got in the car and started to cry because she didn't know what had come over her and she just cheated on ray.

hey guys ok I now I haven't been on her for a while but since we have this break I will be updating more. comment and vote guys.

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