Chapter 23

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Jacob Pov

I woke up around 6:00. I got up and did my hygiene. I really didn't feel like dressing up so I just put on some rip denim jeans and a black bob Marley t-shirt with my black timberlands. I top it off with my gold cross chain and my diamond earrings. I put my hair into poofy ponytail and put a headband over it. I went downstairs greeted my mom and gave her a kiss then I went to my car and headed to school. once I pulled up to the school and park my car headed inside the building, I went to my locker to get my books for 1st bock and second block. I started running to my first class so I wouldn't be late and I ran into somebody. I stood up and offered to help the girl up she had really curly red hair that was all over the place. when she pulled her hair back from her eyes. she look just like Avery.

" Avery is that you!" I asked the girl.

" Jacob?...hey Jacob!" she said smiling at me.

I picked her up and spin her around she started laughing and screaming, I put her down.

" I didn't know you were going to this school."

" yeah my parents sign me up, can you show me my classes."

she handed me her schedule and she mostly had the same classes as me, so we both went to 1st block.

(Skips to the end of the day)

Avery an I just got out of our last period class and was heading to my car.

" so what do you think about the school."

" its a lot but it's a fun cool school, I will enjoy my time here."

I smiled at her. " hey you wanna go somewhere."

" yeah sure you wanna come to my house if you want." she asked me.

" yeah sure that sounds cool."

Author Pov

they went to Avery house and chilled for the rest of the day there. Jacob could not sleep smiling and looking at her the whole time, he even flirted with her a bit. who knows maybe Jacob is on to the next.

hey guys, I know this chapter really sucks but its something that I put together since I haven't been on here for awhile, but tell me what you guys think of avery and Jacob.

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