chapter 25

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Nirvana Pov

It was a Saturday and the whole gang was chilling down in the basement in the movie room. Every since the whole blow up with ray. He hasn't talk to me and it hurts very much. I can't help how I feel about Jacob and if you guys are wondering we still haven't talk to each other since I kissed him. there was a knock on the door and Jacob ran up and answered it. I scrunched up my face, maybe that's the person who he was inviting. the person walk in and they had red curly hair. I couldn't really see their face. the person pulled their hair from their face and I never thought I would see her again. Chres and I look at each other he gave me that " calm down" look. I was so heated right now you could see it.

" guys this is Avery." Jacob said.

" Avery why are you here." I semi-yelled at her.

" Nirvana calm down please." roc said grabbing my arm.

I look over to Jacob and he look confused I rolled my eyes.

" umm...what's going on do y'all know each other." Jacob asked.

" yeah we all went to middle school together and we have some bad history together." chres said to Jacob.

" well I guess it will be a bad time to tell you guys that we're dating." Jacob said.

Jacob Pov

" well I guess it will be a bad time to tell you guys that we're dating." I said to them.

after I said that, the tension was so thick in the air that you could cut it with a knife.

" what?! how could you date a person so damn evil like her." Nirvana yelled.

" Nirvana I am truly sorry for what I did I didn't mean for it to get out of hand like that." Avery said.

" what do you mean you didn't want it to get out of hand like that the shit fucking did." Nirvana yelled at her slowly stepping to her but chres pulled her back.

" nirvana calm down." chres said.

she ran upstairs shaking her head. ray went after her.

Nirvana Pov

After I said what I said, I ran upstairs to my room and started to cry, how can he go out with that girl. I heard someone knock at my door. I told them to go away, they open the door anyway. I saw two braids and I knew who it was. he sat on my bed and open his arms I fell into his arms and started to cry again. he rock me back and forth kissing my forehead telling me it was gone be ok. I need to tell him about that kiss. I sat up slowly and look into his coco brown orbs.

" baby I have to tell you something and you might hate me after I say it."

" I will never hate you but go ahead and tell me."

" ok so that day when I was over Jacob house and I overslept and I woke up and I was just looking at his face and I felt myself leaning down to kiss him and we started to make out b-but I pulled away because I realize what I was doing. I'm so sorry rayan."

I tried to touch him but he ran downstairs. I ran after him and I saw him on top of Jacob repeatedly punching him while chres was trying to pull rayan off of Jacob.

ok guys that was a very interesting chapter and I hope you guys like it. comment and vote. the next update will be Saturday.

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