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Welcome To My Life-Simple Plan
Out Of Time-A Day To Remember
The Strength To Go On-Rise Against
(Time skip to when Johnnie is seventeen and he's not in school, they all have apartments now, and they all live in the same apartment building in CA)
Jeremy's POV~
  It's been two weeks since the breakup happened. Skylar's okay now, but she wasn't at first. We even caught her trying to overdose the one night.

"Skylar! It's Jeremy and Johnnie! You home?" Johnnie yelled. She groaned from under her black blanket. "Leave me aloooooone," She slurred, almost like she was drunk. Jeremy pulled the covers off of her, "Ehhh. Why do you hate me?" She slurred and sat up. She was swaying like she was on a boat. "Skylar." Jeremy said and held up four fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?" Skylar squinted, and then blinked as Johnnie went to go search her apartment. "Eight?" She said it like it was a question. Johnnie came back with two empty bottles of pills. Johnnie pulled the covers further off. Skylar was in shorts, and let's just say her legs weren't a pretty sight. They were covered in cuts and bruises. "You've been bruising, cutting, and trying to overdose?" Jeremy said. She looked at her lap. "Just leave. I'm already emb-barressed enough." Her bottom lip quivered. "We're not mad at you, just don't do it again. We love you and don't want you to be hurt." Johnnie soothed. "You don't understand! I'm just trying to make my body feel the way my heart does!"

"I still can't believe she did that to herself." I said to Johnnie over the phone sadly. "I know." He replied. "Wanna go check on her?" I suggested. "Yeah, why not?" He said.

We met up in front of her house and climbed through her window. We heard the shower running and her singing some Sleeping With Sirens song.

"AAH!!" I screamed, trying to scare her. She screamed and threw a hairbrush at my forehead. She poked her head out of the side of the curtain. "What are you two dorks doing in here?!"

"Oww," I said.

"Never sneak up on me again," Skylar beckoned. She turned the shower off and wrapped herself with a black towel before coming out of the shower.
"I hate you both." She joked. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"We came to check up on you, just making sure you're doing A-okay." Johnnie shrugged. She went in her bedroom and closed the door, but she kept talking to us. "So, have you talked to Chris lately? He moved." She said. "To where?" I asked. "I dunno. Some big city," She said and came out. She was wearing shorts with a Memphis May Fire tee. She held up her shirt just below her bra. "The bruises are all gone," she said. "I've been eating regularly and stuff."

"Great. I'm glad you're doing better."

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