Chapter One: Far, Far Away From Here

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I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror, adorned in the most beautiful white gown I could ever possibly dream of.

Everything was perfect. I was about to marry the love of my life, the two of us becoming one.
I'd never felt more excited in my entire life.

I smiled as I made eye contact with my sister Angela, who was wiping a tear from her eye as she smiled back the most beautiful and loving of smiles.

"It's time," She whispered excitedly as she clasped my hand in her own, kissing me on the cheek. "You're getting married!"

"I'm getting married!" I squealed back even more excitedly, though the nerves had definitely flared up now that I had heard the processional song start.

Angela squeezed my hand before giggling and making her way to her aligned spot beside my cousin Sarah, before the both of them left my sight as they made their way towards the aisle.

I fixed myself one final time before I took a deep breath, before placing my arm in my father Keith's, exchanging sweet words and kisses before we slowly made our way out of the door, and towards the aisle.

I smiled more genuinely and happier than I'd ever felt, as my father led me down the aisle. I caught myself gigging as I made eye contact with Russell, who was standing at the podium, looking more dapper and handsome than ever. I crinkled my nose at him, struggling to hold back the tears of pure happiness as I made my way towards him.

"You look beautiful," Russell whispered as he took my hands in his own as we stood, facing one another, at the podium together. He laced his fingers in mine, squeezing them gently as he gave me one of his cheeky grins I fell in love with over a year ago now.

I stood patiently as the marriage celebrant said his speech; Russell and I occasionally looking back at one another to give a silly look or a wink.

"... Russell, do you promise to have and to hold from this day foreword; for better and for worse; for richer and for poorer, for sickness and in health, to love and cherish as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Russell replied, looking to the celebrant before shooting me a wink, squeezing my hands as he did so, making my smile widen itself even more than I thought possible.

"Katheryn, do you promise to have and to hold from this day forward; for better and for worse; for richer and for poorer, for sickness and in health, to love and cherish as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," I stated, without any hesitation as I caught myself giggling softly at the pure happiness I felt right now.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," The marriage celebrant continued, giving us both a gentle smile. I turned back to Russell as he let go of my hands, gently gripping my waist and pulling me closer to him as we both giggled together, smiling goofily.

Our lips met; and a firework was ignited. So passionate, so loving, so young and full of life.

This was only the beginning of a beautiful life together... Forever.

"Fucking asshole!" I screamed at the top of the lungs, quivering and shaking as I sat sullenly on the cold tiles of my bathroom floor plaid in the darkness. It was some ungodly hour of the night, but it had become such a routine for me to not sleep at night that it didn't even phase me. How could it? Your whole fucking life has been ripped apart.

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