Chapter Fourty-One: Sentimental & Erotic Blackmail

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"Travie? W-What are you doing here?" I asked as he took a step forward, making me stumble backwards inside, my body paralysed in both fear and shock as I looked back at a monster, who appeared hungrier than ever.

"I came to see you, what do you think?" Travie laughed as he stepped closer towards me, making me take a few steps back as fear ran through my blood like wildfire.

"You really shouldn't be here, Travis..." I stuttered, unable to really say anything as a large lump formed in my throat. He replied only by laughing, which instantly sent shivers through my body.

"Why not? I told you I was coming for you," He smiled, though not in that kind way I once saw him possess. This was angry, vile and nasty. I was completely petrified, unable to connect my brain to my mouth and think of something to do. My phone was in the living room... It was too far away to fetch to call John. I was stuck.

And then it hit me... This whole time, it was him.
John and I thought it must've been Russell trying to get back at me... But never, ever did I think it could possibly have been Travis. I hadn't seen him since we'd broken up... Four years ago.

"I... Uh, I..." I said as I continued walking backwards, twisting and turning my ankles on my stilettos as I refused to let my eyes leave Travis.

"I've wanted you back for so long... I know I made a mistake but baby, we can make things right. I love you..." He said as he caught up to me, making sure he closed the front door behind him, making me a weak, useless victim as I stood against the wall of the hallway, whimpering as his body came dangerously close to my own.

"You really shouldn't be here. Get out, Travis," I stated, trying to sound strong but instead I only sounded weak and pathetic, like a small child. It was no use, he was stronger than me.

"So I hear you're wanting a kid with that love of yours, huh? Is that what all this is for? I have to say, you do look hot as fuck..." Travis smirked as his eye gaze trailed down my body, making me close my eyes as tears formed, forcing myself to hold them back as fear rode through my body like a hurricane. Where was John? I needed him, but I couldn't do anything to save myself. I was too weak to defend myself... It was over.

"It's... None of your business," I whispered, shakily as Travis' index finger caressed my jawline, his eyes focused on my lips as his head started to lower itself downward. I instantly thrust my head to the side, avoiding him, though I felt his grip pull harshly on my wrists making me wince in pain as a tear slid out of my eye.

"Oh, but I think it is," He smirked as I felt his hot breath on my neck, making my blood run cold as the realisation hit me that I truly couldn't do anything in my defence. I had to stand there and take it, it wasn't going to disappear. This was real, and it was happening.

"He doesn't love you like I do, he's a player Katy," He stated as he let go of my wrists, and I took it upon myself to vicariously rub them to ease the pain as I looked back at him fearfully.

"I think you know nothing. Please leave before I call the cops," I stated, my anger overtaking me as I glared back at him. I attempted to move away from him, sliding my body against the wall in the direction of the kitchen and living room, though Travis was quick to forcefully shove me up against it, his hands holding my underarms making me wince in horrible pain as my bare skin became grazed and burnt.

"I told you not to contact the police, but you didn't fucking listen to me, did you? You forgot about me when you became famous, Katy. It's time you learnt your lesson," He said angrily as he grit his teeth, and I let out loud breaths due to the sheer amount of pain I was in, clenching my teeth together in efforts to conceal the screams my mouth wanted to sound. I only knew that would insinuate his anger further, and I was scared enough. I didn't want to think of the things he could possibly to do me... Especially considering I was wearing lingerie, for fuck's sake.

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