Chapter Eight: In The Darkest Hour

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"Katy? Katy? Can you hear me? Katy?" I said, my hands trembling as I held her close to me, checking for signs of life. Her body moved under the touch of mine, but I finally managed to see she was breathing - she wasn't conscious, but she was alive. Thank God.

I held her close to me as I sat on the floor beside her, pulling her into my chest, stroking her hair softly as I tried to figure out what the fuck to do. Do I call an ambulance?

I saw a bottle of pills clutched tightly in her fist, which I tore from the palm of her hand, investigating them. I had no idea what they were for - but worse, I had no idea if she'd taken any, and if so, how many. I knew I had to do something, but at the same time, there was nothing I could do.

I was running on borrowed time... Katy's life could potentially be in my hands right now.


"I think we should start trying soon, Katy, then you'd have the baby just after your tour ends," My husband said, giving me one of those cheeky smiles I'd fallen in love with over two years ago now, making me melt every single time... Except today.

"Russell," I said, knowing that I had to put a stop to this before got into yet another heated argument, the second time this week already. "You know that now just isn't the right time for us."

"When is the right time, Katy? When are we going to have a child?" He replied somewhat frustratingly, combing his fingers through his long, shoulder-length curly hair, giving me a stern look as he walked around my dressing room as I sat on the couch, my head in my hands, dreading what was about to happen.

"Russ, please, just calm down..." I replied, standing up and walking over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder comfortingly, hoping he would understand and calm down. But I was wrong.

"No! I'm sick of waiting! We said we were going to have a family. We've been married for over a year. It's time to start trying!" He yelled, moving my hand off of his shoulder roughly, making me slouch as I stood defensiveness in the middle of the dressing room as he walked around angrily.

"I can't just quit my career. I can't be pregnant on tour... It just won't work," I said softly, trying to calm down though I knew very well it wasn't working, but I couldn't be bothered arguing. It just wasn't worth it... He would never understand, anyway.

"All you care about is your career. Unbelievable. Fucking unbelievable!" He yelled, pointing his index finger at me as he clenched his teeth, making me feel terrified in the comfort of my own room... And that's when I'd finally lost it. I couldn't maintain my cool anymore, I'd had enough.

"Maybe that's all I have! It's not like I have you around is it? You're never with me. We wouldn't even find fucking time to try!" I yelled back, waving my hands around the air angrily, before resorting back to folding my hands across my chest, pouting angrily. This argument was going nowhere.

"You're making excuses. You're Katy Perry for goodness sake... Just make it happen!" He said, kicking the chair over in the far corner of the room, yelling at me so disgustingly it almost made me leave the room right then and there. But I was simply too scared of him to do that.

"You don't fucking understand. It isn't that easy Russell," I sighed, combing my fingers through my natural hair so harshly it actually hurt my scalp, but I didn't care. I was fucking angry now.

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