Chapter Eleven: An Indecisive Love

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"What do you mean, Katheryn? We're at your front door, we've been knocking for the past few minutes!" My mom's voice said on the other end of the phone, slightly laughing despite the stern tone she always had in her voice.

I looked back at John, wide-eyed as I held my phone up to my ear, not knowing what the fuck to do. How was I going to get out of this one?

"I'll... I'll be there in a minute, I'm just, um, upstairs," I said hesitantly to my mother on the phone before hanging up and dropping the phone in my lap.

"Oh my God," I said somewhat breathlessly to John, looking at him as I furiously bit my lip. "My parents are outside... They, um, don't really know about us yet."

John chuckled at my nervousness, rolling his eyes before I pushed him towards the direction of upstairs, failing to find any other kind of plan that would work at the moment. I could not have my parents see this situation right now, I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it - it didn't help that I was an adult, they still haven't treated me like a child, especially after my divorce. My father was incredibly protective of his 'youngest girl' and made it very clear he would be strict on accepting future relationships, not that it was the be all and end all if I had his approval or not, but of course it still mattered.

"Stay up here until I come and get you, or something..." I said hurriedly in panic as I felt like I was under a ticking time bomb. This would not look good whatsoever - I hadn't seen my parents in weeks and I didn't even know they were in Los Angeles, I had to keep my guard up and my mouth shut.

"Okay okay, but don't keep me waiting for two long," John chuckled as he snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me in for a kiss, his lips so soft and matching to my own it took literally everything in me to pull away from him and walk downstairs, straightening my shirt as I did so.

I let out a nervous sigh as I approached the front door, I mean, I know they're just my parents but I was nervous all the same. They didn't exactly know about my depression with Russell and I always had to put on this ridiculous act in front of them, and I really just couldn't be bothered answering their questions today.

"Mom! Hi!" I said as I opened the door, instantly met by the gorgeous gaze of my mothers soft blue eyes, identical to my own. They sparkled beautifully in the outside light, making her look more radiant than ever - she was a true beauty. I knew exactly where I got most of my good traits from.

"My darling Katy, how are you?" She asked as she opened her arms before I fell into her warm embrace, resting my head on her shoulder as she delicately placed her hand on my back. The smell of her familiar perfume made me realise just how much I'd missed her, along with the rest of the family.

"I'm doing great Mom, what about you? Dad, hi," I said as I moved from my mother, Mary, to my father Keith, hugging him also. God, it felt so great to be surrounded by my parents again - it was so random of them to visit, but it was appreciated all the same. They never visited, at least not without warning, so it did make me wonder - but I decided to push those thoughts to the back of my mind.

"You look beautiful Katybird," My father whispered into my ear, making me smile before I pulled back from where I'd rested my head in the crook of his neck, to look him in the eyes beneath his signature glasses.

"Thank you Dad, I really mean it. You guys look great. Come in and make yourselves at home, I'll make us a coffee," I said as I moved somewhat out of the way, signalling for them to go inside. My mother shot me a wink as she and my father both took their shoes off and placed it on the specific rack, something I'd become almost too particular about when I had visitors. My OCD would be the death of me, unfortunately.

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