Chapter Fourty-Two: A Lost Love

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"It's you," She whispered, a tear sliding down her cheek as she looked back at me, nothing but fear ridden in her eyes. "The person who sent those texts wasn't him... It was you. You told him to do this to me."

"Katy, what?" I asked back, retracting backwards and off of the bed as she looked at me in disgust, sniffling as she now focused her gaze on the blanket as I tried to understand this. She thought it was me? That I did this to her? I couldn't fucking believe it, and I didn't want to believe it. This was disgusting... And I was instantly offended and hurt in every way possible.

"Katy, I would never do such a thing! What the fuck has that asshole said to you? You don't honestly believe him, do you?" I simply asked back, feeling as though the both of us had been through enough drama and torment, that an argument wasn't needed to be added. Despite the anger and upset raging to speak through my voice, I held back. I knew this wasn't her fault.

She sighed as she played with the blanket, looking down at her hands and biting her lip. A tear slowly slid down her cheek in silence as she let out a tiny sniffle, a drawn silence cast between us, though not awkward... But something indescribable, rather. It was a silence I could never explain, and it was one I hoped I never had to experience again. It was painfully long and overdrawn, and only made my heart drop further as I stood there awaiting her response, the hurt setting in well and truly as I fought back tears myself.

"No," She whispered, breaking the silence as I looked down at my feet as a distraction. Her sudden reply made me shift my focus to her, to see she was looking directly back at me with guilt ridden in her eyes, to say the least.

"You know I would never hurt you, baby, I swear whatever he told you isn't true... He's using me as a way to get to you. He knows you don't trust easily," I said lightly, combing my hand through my hair as I looked back at her. What a fucking mess tonight had been. I swear, if I had an extra minute with that asshole, he wouldn't be alive...

"I know," She replied, her voice cracking as she wiped away tears gently from her cheeks. I carefully sat on the bed, wanting to approach her but within the appropriate time. I felt so furious towards Travis and what he'd done - to say I was, if I could, going to kill him, was putting it lightly - but I hid it completely in front of her. Travis only managed to enrage me beyond belief, and that was something I didn't want Katy to see right now. "I'm just... I'm so tired of always being scared, John."

"Hey, baby it's okay, come here..." I whispered as I came closer, laying back so I was now beside her on the bed, pulling her into my arms - only gently, not to disrupt her sore body - feeling nothing more comforting than the feeling of her body nuzzling itself into mine. We laid for a moment; no words spoken. Only the sounds of our breaths could be heard, with Katy letting out an occasional whimper, which only made me hold her closer to me.

"He's gone now... It's taken care of. He won't be bothering you again, I promise you that," I whispered, hating myself for continually bringing up this situation though it had to be addressed, it wasn't something we could just brush off of our shoulders. "The officers are contacting us tomorrow so we can press charges. He's not going to be out in society; he's going to get the help he needs."

"I don't need to press charges," She sighed, curling herself further into my chest as she played with my shirt. "I just want him away. I can't handle this... Any of this, John. I want to start a family with you. I can't do that if I'm always scared of him."

"I promise you that I'm taking care of all of this, okay? I want you to rest. You don't have to worry about a single thing, okay? I've got this covered," I whispered into her ear as I gently rubbed up and down her back, feeling her start to calm down, her breath ceasing the staggering it'd been doing since I'd come in the room. "Can you trust me on that?"

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