Chapter Twenty: Counting All The Moonlight Stars

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It'd been a month since we first discovered John's throat problem, since we sat down and promised one another we would stick together.... And today, today we would hear the results of the tests he'd been taking these past couple of weeks.

John had been staying at my house for this amount of time so I could get him away form his apartment and we could spend some time together... It was now almost two months since we'd started dating, and though it hasn't exactly been the best month of our lives with this stressful throat issue - we were together, and we were happy. I was happy... At last. It would take me a long time to return to my old self, but progress was being made.

The dreams of Russell were reoccurring but they didn't effect me anymore - I was growing. I was becoming a new person, and I couldn't wait to start working on my new record - something I'd been negotiating with my record company in the last week. I'd decided that, yes, I did want to work on this record and release it sometime in the next year. I wanted to show my fans a completely different, new, changed person - because I was.

I was ready for bigger and better things. I wanted to make the most out of this life I was so blessed to be given.

"Katy? I swear girl you're so not here today," Mia giggled as she sipped on her ice coffee, giving me an eyebrow raise as I giggled, realising how much of a daydream I must've been in.

"That hot guy caught you staring at him... You have no shame," Shannon laughed as she nudged me in the ribs with her tiny elbow, the three of us smiling and laughing together.

"Well I have a boyfriend, so I wouldn't call it staring, thanks very much," I quipped back, giving her an eyebrow raise as I picked up my iced chai tea latte and sipped on the straw, the liquid restoring my hydration and ridding the headache that was just starting to appear.

This past couple of weeks, I had decided that I really wanted to work on my life, and by doing so I was making a solid effort to rebuild my friendships - something that, during my divorce, somehow became last priority. My two best friends - Mia and Shannon - were there for my divorce, of course, but only as much as I wanted them to be. They didn't see the depressed side, well, at least not as much as John or Angela were subjected to. I knew it was entirely my fault that we'd barely seen one another lately, and so I really did take it upon myself to contact them, and now we were here - having lunch, and catching up on one another's lives.

"Speaking of this boyfriend, how is he? I still can't believe you two are dating. You were the biggest fan of him!" Mia laughed, her beautiful pearly white, perfect smile on display which made me smile also at the humour in her voice.

"Um, I still am a huge fan of him, thank you very much - smartass," I laughed back, rolling my eyes despite the blush that was very evident on my face - I always got embarrassed talking about my relationships, like a teenage kid.

"Does he sing songs to you and serenade you while you two get it on?" Shannon said sarcastically, giving Mia a look before the two of them giggled like immature kids, though it was very typical of our friendship to act this way.

"If you must know, we haven't made that kind of progress just yet, but don't worry, I'm sure it will happen soon," I laughed back, the sarcasm evident in my voice as I secretly wished we could talk about something else, because now my mind wandered to John - and the fact that I, very soon actually, had to meet him. He was due to get a call from the throat clinic about his results... And we decided that we wanted to answer it together. I couldn't lie; I was nervous. Extremely nervous, actually. But I knew I had to keep positive.

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