Chapter Nine: In Perfect Harmony

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John pulled away from the kiss, finding and holding my hands in his as he looked me directly in the eyes, his face looking puzzled and confused, yet happy and full of light at the same time.

"Katy, are you sure you-" He said, before I placed my index finger over his lips, quietening him as I leant in closer, smiling at him with everything I had.

"I've never been so sure in my life," I whispered as I kissed his lips again, bringing my body closer, so that now I was sitting on his lap, my legs either side of him - straddling him, almost - as we sat on the floor of my kitchen. I moved my chest closer so I could wrap my hands around his neck, feeling his thick curls of hair and wrapping strands of it gently around my fingertips as we kissed, nothing feeling more perfect or more right as it did in this moment.

John silently asked to deepen the kiss, which I gladly gave him permission for; content that this was what he wanted, too. I felt his gentle grip on my waist, making me feel even more attracted to him.

It was only ten minutes ago I was crying hysterically about my ex-husband, and here I am kissing John Mayer the next. But I knew that this wasn't a hasty, ridiculous decision - this was the right one. He was different. He was kind, caring, compassionate. He'd helped me through a dark, horrible time in my life, and promised me he would continue to do so... I knew I couldn't let him slip out of my fingertips.

"As much as I'd love to keep kissing you," John said, pulling away from my lips only slightly, lightly chuckling. "We should move this to a better place."

I giggled slightly as I realised that we were still on the floor, and moved my body up and off of John, standing up, the sun coming in from the windows almost blinding me entirely. John placed his hand in mine as he stood up, and it was then that I noticed the height difference between us - he was so tall. I smiled up at him before I lead him into the living room, sitting on the couch and pulling him beside me, barely giving him enough time to sit before I placed my lips on his again.

"You know," John whispered as I kissed his neck, suddenly feeling more attracted to him than ever. "I actually came over here to tell you something."

His statement instantly made my stomach go into a knot, my body feeling like it was about to break out in the coldest of sweats. I looked at him curiously, wondering what his intentions were... If he was going to say he didn't want anything to do with me anymore, I was going to lose it. No, actually, I probably wouldn't - it just wouldn't help my depression. I couldn't think of getting hurt again. I guess I didn't exactly think this one through... We'd only known each other, closely anyway, for a week. What if he thought I was crazy? A crazy suicidal bitch? Oh God, I can't imagine...

"Mmm?" I murmured to him, raising an eyebrow - that was all that seemed to be able to escape my mouth. I was incredibly scared and nervous already, I guess I wasn't exactly prepared for anything bad to happen just yet. I'd only heard horrible news lately, so I couldn't exactly blame myself for it.

"Yeah," He said, smiling at he placed his hands on my back, rubbing them up and down, slightly tickling me. "I was about to come over here and tell you how much I like you."

"You were?" I said, almost in shock at what he just said. Was he telling the truth? Did he really have feelings towards me? It couldn't be possible... I wasn't anyone special. How could he like me, when we'd only seen each other for a few days?

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