Chapter 13

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Jeff really hadn't wanted me to go to the next house he believed to be on Liu's hit list because of the snow. He thought the snow would give a clear sign to my footprints, but I promised to stay back on the street and off the yard since I would rather know what was happening as it happened. He still wasn't quite happy, but he agreed.

The one-story brick house in front of us belonged to the parents of Trent Fierro, an eleven year-old. Or, rather, parent. We found out his mom and dad were divorced, and the mother had custody over him, but he still had a two year-old brother. We were hoping that the toddler and him were in separate rooms, but since it was only one-story, there was really no way to tell. Jeff didn't think Liu would go after such a young child, though, and I hoped he was right.

I stood as close as I could to the house. All the lights were off, and I looked for footprints that might signal if Liu had been there already, but I couldn't see any. Jeff pulled down his bandana and told me, "I'm going to see if I can find the window that leads to Trent's room. Stay here."

"Yeah, okay. I will," I nodded. I watched as he sneaked over to the quiet house. The second he looked in, all the way on the right of the house, he opened. I guessed he thought it was right. Then, he climbed inside, and I waited for him to return.

I kept an eye out for Liu, seeing if maybe he was running towards or away from the house. I never saw him, though. There had been a stray dog that scared me, but other than that, the street was silent. Perhaps Liu had been there before we arrived. Or maybe Jeff got it wrong. He told me that happened sometimes.

I wasn't sure how much time was passing, but I knew it never took long for Jeff to find out if he missed again. Was it possible that Trent wasn't dead? He couldn't have been caught. I would have heard screams, and he definitely would have tried to scram. As I waited in the wintry air longer and longer, I had a bad feeling. What if something happened to him? I had no way of knowing at that point, but there had to be something. Even if he had gone into the wrong room at first, there was no reason he should have taken so long.

I made a noise of indecisiveness and looked both ways on the street, double-checking if there was anyone out late. Then, I stepped onto the lawn. Would my footprints really matter if no crime was committed? Would the family really pay attention? Maybe if it lead right to their child's window, but Jeff already did that, so me going couldn't have been that detrimental. Jeff is going to be furious, though, I chastised myself and considered going back. I stood there for a few minutes, staring at the window.

I cautiously moved over to the entry point. I reached the open window and witnessed Jeff pacing back and forth in the bedroom, playing with his knife in his hands. I peered over at the bed and was surprised to see it completely empty, even though it looked like a little boy's room. Then, I heard Jeff talking in a low whisper to himself, "But I need to, don't I? She won't find out.... Would I really be blamed? Couldn't I pass it off as Liu? Nah, he doesn't kill women."

My eyes widened. Was he... debating killing the mom? Why would he need to do that? What made murdering someone a necessity? Unless he actually did enjoy killing people, which meant he lied to me again, then there was no reason why he'd even consider that. Before I heard anything worse, I hissed, "What's going on?"

He froze in his place before turning to me. He was completely shocked by me being at the window, but then anger took over, and he rushed over. "I told you to stay away!"

I defended myself, "You were taking too long! I got worried! What's going on? Where's Trent?"

"He wasn't in here, so I had to go looking for him. He fell asleep in a chair in his brother's room. I guess his brother was having trouble sleeping or something. They're both alive," he explained.

"Then, let's get out of here! We got the wrong house, or he's not coming! Either way, you're gonna get caught by staying here," I reasoned. "With us here, Liu definitely won't be."

He frowned and looked over his shoulder at the door. Then, he sighed, "Okay, let's get out of here." At the very least, he did agree to leave instead of sticking around, but I didn't like how he hesitated. I grabbed his hand and helped him through the window. We walked back to the street when he stopped and glanced back at the house. "Maybe we should wait a little longer. Just to see if Liu shows up."

"I have a feeling he would see us before we saw him. Besides, someone might catch us if we stick around too long," I reasoned with him.

"So, we're supposed to let that kid die?" he challenged.

I countered, "We're supposed to get caught and leave hundreds of other kids to die?" He growled slightly and looked away from me. "You know I hate the idea of leaving Trent to fend for himself, but I know that I don't want to get locked up, either. Hopefully, Liu will have seen our footprints and decide to skip him if he was even considering him." There was a part of me that really just wanted to keep him away from that family.

Jeff huffed, "Fine. I guess we'll find out tomorrow." I nodded and followed the extremely irritated Jeff to our spot in the woods.

I had been worried when I watched him kill that man, but hearing how he was plotting to kill Trent's mom terrified me. I wasn't sure what kind of excuse he would try to make up, but I was pretty sure I wouldn't believe him.

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