Chapter 18

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I let Jeff sleep through the night and stayed awake to keep an eye out for Liu. He definitely needed it more than me, but I was exhausted when the sun came up. Still, I let him sleep for another hour or two when I knew a store would probably be open. When the time came, I shook his shoulder and whispered, "Hey, Jeff? Wake up. I have to go."

His once peaceful face twisted with unhappiness at the sound of being woken. "Can't you wait?" he grumbled.

I stood up and told him, "You can keep sleeping, I guess. Just thought you should know." He waved for me to go ahead and closed his eyes again. Yawning, I walked away and into Chancellor.

There were a lot of police patrolling the streets, on foot and in cars, while I made my way as calmly as I could as to not attract their attention. I made an effort to move out of their way whenever they came towards me, and my eyes stayed cast towards the ground. Were they really going to recognize a random blonde girl when there were so many of them? I mean, it never hurt to be careful, but I didn't like the bad feeling settling in my stomach.

The town of Chancellor was mostly made up of convenience stores and chain restaurants, all of which included cameras. I really didn't want to be caught on any of them when there had been so much attention drawn to me lately. I wasn't even sure if anyone checked them. I might have been making a huge deal over nothing again, but Jeff seemed to avoid them religiously. There had to be a fair reason, right?

I stumbled into what looked like a family-owned business, half-asleep, and was greeted by a cashier not too much older than me. "Good morning!" he chirped.

I waved and smiled, "Oh, uh, morning!" He gave me a strange look, probably because of how out of it I was, but he didn't say anything more to me. I scanned the aisles in the relatively small store, looking for the medicine. There was a very small selection in front of me all the way in the back of the store. I tugged at my ponytail and sighed. It was all mostly generic allergy medication and cough suppressants. I wasn't even sure what to get Jeff, anyway. There hadn't been any time to research. All I knew was that I still wanted to get him to wake up the next morning, but I really didn't want him to wake up halfway through the night, either. That wouldn't help him at all, and I'd probably get woken up in the process.

I read the bottles and boxes carefully, looking for any that would aid sleeping. Eventually, I came across a cold and flu medicine bottle that had dark liquid inside and a green cap. I frowned and picked it up. I knew NyQuil always knocked me out whenever I was sick, but I was usually too stuffed up to taste it. It didn't even specify a flavor. There was a cherry-flavored one sitting right next to it, but I knew from experience you were usually supposed to stay away from cherry medicine. Still, should I really go for something I had no clue about? The more I thought about it, I had a feeling that Jeff was going to fuss no matter what I bought him. I shrugged to myself and put it back to grab the smaller version of the bottle.

I passed by the refrigerator section and seriously considered buying a soda. As I stared at it longingly, I knew I could have really used the caffeine, but I also knew that it was a waste of money. Yeah, it wasn't expensive, but you never knew what could happen. I sighed and rubbed my eyes before making my way to the counter on the other side of the store.

The cashier spotted me and rushed to hang up the phone. He grinned at me, "Hey, did you find everything you need?"

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