Chapter 27

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I relied on Jeff ever since I was forced to travel around with him on a search for his brother. I couldn't live like that on my own. As I laid on the floor, my head hurting and making it hard to concentrate, I needed him more than ever.

I kept my eyes close to try to lessen the pain the brightness caused, but I could still see it getting lighter outside. I had no clue how long I had blacked out or what the time was, but I figured it was sometime in mid-morning. Liu never spoke to me, and from what I could hear, he wasn't moving much, either. We were both waiting for the same person to come to answer our wishes. I wasn't worried what Jeff would do. I was worried what Liu would pull when it didn't go his way.

Each second seemed like an eternity. At that point, everything was a mystery. I had no clue how long Jeff would sleep, and I didn't know where I was, so it was hard to gauge how long it would take for Jeff to track me down. Of course, there was always the possibility that he thought I left him. After seeing what Liu did that night, was it really an impossible thing? I was terrified Jeff would think I abandoned him when I had spent my clearest hours defending him. If he didn't come, Liu would surely kill me. I mean, no one else would ever find me. It was all riding on him.

A hand was placed on my shoulder, and my eyes popped open as I wrenched myself away from their touch. I looked up and saw Jeff with his hands in the air, just like he had when he brought me to his own abandoned store. I gasped, "Jeff!"

"You looked dead when I walked in," he told me, shaking his head. He helped me sit up and frowned at the state I was in. "You got pretty beat up while I wasn't here."

"I've.... I've had a rough night," I sighed, resting my head against the wall carefully. I dipped my tongue into the new hole formed on the left side of my mouth. "Lost... um.... Lost a tooth in the process."

"Shit, are you serious?" I kinda nodded to beside me on the floor, where the tooth still was. He picked it up and groaned. He threw it back on the floor. "Doesn't matter. I'm getting you out of here," he told me, pulling his knife out of his pocket.

I looked over his shoulder and stopped him weakly, "Jeff." He stood up and turned around to see his brother with a huge grin on his face. I saw Jeff's entire posture change with this sight.

"Jeff! I haven't seen you in so long! Well, I have, but we haven't been face-to-face," Liu laughed in amazement.

"You wouldn't let me see you," Jeff replied, obviously less excited about the encounter. He froze as Liu hugged him. He gripped his knife handle tighter.

Liu released him a bit and said, "I know, but it had to happen. I was starting to get worried you couldn't find us. I tried to make it not too conspicuous."

His brother frowned, "Well, I had to check the entire surrounding forest, and then I thought about maybe checking in town. You weren't exactly following your normal pattern."

"Yeah, sorry, but I couldn't go anywhere people would find me. I guess, it didn't really change anything, though. You found us, and now we can be together, like we were supposed to," Liu shrugged it off.

Charity Case (Creepypasta/Jeff the Killer Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now