Chapter 21

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We arrived at Carrington in the morning. We weren't going to stay very long; it was just a place that was far from Chancellor, which was good enough for us. The only problem was that we really had no clue what to do or where to go next. Knowing that Liu was going to follow us wherever we went and kill whomever we said, we had to be careful about it. Plus, he was undoubtedly listening to every word we said. We needed a different approach.

Jeff and I sat close to each other as we talked in whispers. Our voices carried in the still morning, but we figured Liu couldn't hear us so easily. "Your plan isn't going to work anymore. For all we know, he already figured out we're on to him," I stated.

"This is all I know how to do, though. How do you catch your stalker?" Jeff whispered back. It was difficult to make out the words with the bandana blocking the sound, as well. "We're not even completely sure."

"We're pretty sure," I protested. He sighed. "Okay, what do we know about him? Like, for sure? That we've seen with our own eyes and heard with our ears and everything like that?"

He answered, "He kills people. That's honestly about it."

"He knows where we are, and he followed me. Also, he saved me from the police so I could come back to you," I added.

I could hear the grimace in his voice, "I still don't get that. I don't like that."

I sighed, "You're missing the point. He left you in the woods to follow me. We may not know why, but he did it. Who's to say he won't do it again?"

"Why should that matter?" he replied.

"What if we follow him?" I suggested, lowering my voice even more.

Jeff denied, "There's no way that would work. We barely even see him. Besides, he's quick. I can't even catch him."

I told him, "That's because we're in the woods. There're so many more hiding places. Behind trees, in the tops of trees, around bushes, and a lot of others. Maybe we can track him down if we were in a town."

"I'm not getting it."

"Think about it! He can't be seen, either. He has a huge scar on his face, and everyone thinks he's dead. How many places can he run? It'd be a fair playing field. We'd all have to run to the same places since none of us can risk being seen. Plus, how alert do you really think he'll be? We wouldn't be going to stop him from killing. We could just be scoping out the town," I explained.

"Well, yeah, I know that. How are we supposed to follow him, though?" he asked.

"Well, when I said 'we'...." I trailed off, cringing slightly.

He whispered-yelled, "Oh, no way! We're not splitting up!"

I argued, "Liu won't hurt me! He's proven that much. I'll go to the store for something, he'll follow, and you'll be right behind him."

Charity Case (Creepypasta/Jeff the Killer Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now