Chapter 14

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We made it back to the woods without ever hearing a siren go off, and we had to assume we picked the wrong town or Liu saw us already at Trent's house. We didn't speak the long trek back to the edge of town, but once we reached our spot, Jeff shook his head, "Man, I can't believe Liu didn't show up. I've only been wrong a handful of times. There's no way I could have been with all the grief this town was giving me."

"You're not really liked anywhere," I stated, sitting down in the snow that I wished would finally melt away. Of course, that meant it would leave mud, which I wasn't too keen on, either. I was really beginning to hate nature.

"Wow, thanks for the reminder," he glared.

"All I meant is that Chancellor isn't far from Aspen Park. Maybe he didn't want to stick so close," I elaborated.

Jeff shrugged, "He never cared before."

I surrendered quickly, "Okay. I don't know Liu at all. We'll just keep with your way of working things and see what happens."

"You're angry again."

"I.... What?" I blinked.

"You get really passive-aggressive when you're upset," Jeff told me. How could he have learned that about me so quickly? Was he really that observant? I tugged at my hair. "You do that, too. What'd I do this time?" I sighed and immediately moved my hand away from my hair.

"I don't think we should talk about it, yet."

"Well, it's a little late for that. I mean, you don't have to tell me. It just means I'll bug you about until you do," he shrugged indifferently, but he had a slight smirk on his face.

I glared, "You're irritating."

He smirked, "Yeah, I try my best. Thanks for noticing. So, what's up?"

"Fine! I didn't want to bring it up, yet, but I heard what you were saying in Trent's room," I admitted. I expected him to blow up immediately, but instead, he looked exasperated. "I have to believe your word because I'm pretty screwed otherwise, but the things you've been doing lately really point in the opposite direction. People don't argue over whether they could get away with murdering someone."

There was almost a sad look in his eyes when he repeated, "I don't like killing people."

I asked, "Are you sure about that?" I got the strangest sense of déjà vu and realized I had said it the same way Jeff did to me when I still knew him as Woods. It was accusatory and meant to throw the answerer off. Except, instead of asking if I would judge him, I was asking if I could trust him.

"Yeah," Jeff told me, but he had been reluctant.

Whatever questions I had were going to have to wait again. We heard the snap of a branch, and we immediately looked around to see if we could find where it came from. Hearing twigs break and things like that weren't unusual at all in the woods. Animals were always scurrying off as soon as they saw us, but you could never be sure when it could be a lost person or something of the like. We were even more paranoid about those things after trying to stop Liu, as if someone could have really seen and followed us. That time, it had been important that we search for the source of the sound, because we spotted the same thing.

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