Chapter 17

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When we reached our secure spot in the woods, Jeff almost immediately sat against a tree, like he was completely exhausted. "This makes two kills. I guess we only have tomorrow here, and they we have to move on. I'll be happy to get out of Chancellor," Jeff spoke, looking up at the trees as he pulled his bandana off. Feeling my eyes on him, he looked over at me, and his own widened a bit. I was still shaking from anger, confusion, and shock, and I wasn't sure what to do. "Hey, are you okay? I know seeing Cole like that was pretty messed up. I really didn't want you to."

I asked in a soft voice, "Why did you do that?"

"What? Grab you? I just wanted to get your eyes off him," he brushed it off, but he knew that wasn't what I meant when my expression hadn't changed.

"Why did you kill them?" I elaborated.

"They saw both of us. I couldn't erase what they'd seen, and I couldn't let them give a description, either," he told me, giving me a strange look.

I frowned, tugging at my ponytail, "You didn't have to."

He argued, "Of course, I did. She already called the police. We didn't have time to mess around. Besides, you would have gotten hurt."

I shook my head, "No, we didn't have to go back to Cole's room. You knew we wouldn't make it out the window."

Jeff stared at me for a second before slowly standing, "I'm not used to having to look after someone. I freaked out. Where else were we supposed to go?"

"Back in Aspen Park when we were at Geoffrey's house, you went in through the window and left through the front door, which had been locked earlier. Why didn't we do that? We could have snuck out before the dad saw us. You even pushed me past them," I pointed out.

"And trip the alarm?" he questioned, becoming very defensive.

"The police got called, anyways."

"Are you accusing me of something?" Jeff demanded, talking a few steps towards me, and I took an equal amount back. His eyes widened. "Whoa, Ronnie, what are you doing? What's going on with you?"

"What happened back there was brutal, Jeff. You know you didn't have to kill them, but you went with the plan where you had to in order to keep both of us safe, and when you did, it was overkill again. Listen, I've tried really hard to believe you and give you the benefit of the doubt, but I don't think I can anymore. I mean, you were smiling afterward! And it wasn't your scars, either! It was your real smile! And I'm really scared, Jeff. I've always been scared because of the situation we're in, but after I found out it was really Liu, I was never scared of you. Right now, you terrify me. I want to get away from you because you looked like you liked killing people, and I have no clue if you've been lying to me or not. Please, just tell me what's going on. I want to know," I told him, wrapping my arms around myself. He looked hurt by what I said, but I wasn't going to backtrack. Not again.

Jeff looked away from me and bit his lip. He finally admitted, "Yeah, I like it." My heart sank. He looked back at me and rushed, "Not in the way you think! I don't have bloodlust! This is something really different from what Liu has going on."

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