Chapter 26

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I winced as soon as I woke when a pounding filled my skull. I was a little disoriented as I opened my eyes, having a hard time focusing. Goosebumps covered my bare arms, and I thought, Wasn't I wearing a coat? It took me a few seconds to realize that I had never taken it off the whole time I had been with Jeff, so, of course, I had been wearing it. Despite my slow thought-process, it still bothered me that I wasn't wearing it. Turning my head slightly, I saw it in the corner a few feet away.

I tried moving my right hand out from behind me, but I found that I couldn't. I pulled harder, but it only dragged my other hand with it. I was bound tightly at the wrists with something that felt like rope. I hissed at the chaffing it left. I tried to gather all my thoughts and took a deep breath, leaning my head back. I hit a wall behind me and gasped as a shock of pain was sent through my head and face. It seemed to be emanating from my right temple, but it was hard to be sure.

A... wall? Where am I? What happened? I asked myself, looking around. I frowned at how much the light was hurting my eyes, but that told me there was at least light in whatever building I was in. It appeared completely gutted, like that dry cleaner Jeff first took me to. Thinking about him triggered alarm bells. Where was he? Was he okay? I didn't remember ever waking him. He never heard me, right? Yeah, that's why it was so easy for that person to take me. I guess I really should have listened to Jeff.

My eyes widened, and a gasp left my lips at the sudden flow of memories coming back. I had been taken. Obviously, not by police, but I had a very bad feeling about who it was. They knocked me out with a rock, which explained the searing pain I felt in the side of my head. How long had I been out, then? I saw a window, and it looked dark out, but I didn't know when the incident even occurred. There might have been a huge time difference. Still, if it was still night, and Jeff was sleeping as well as I thought he was, he probably hadn't even realized I was gone.

I tried moving my legs, but they wouldn't like I wanted them to. I looked down and sighed, seeing that they were restrained with rope around my ankles. I squinted to see if I could make out anything sharp within my vicinity, but the place was completely empty. Was screaming worth it? My attacker couldn't have been too far away. I didn't want to piss them off any more than they surely were. Still, staying how I was didn't seem right, either. How was I supposed to escape with nothing?

I pressed my lips together at the sound of footsteps. "I didn't think you'd wake up so early," was said by a voice I recognized. I looked at the figure, and as soon as I saw the light and dark blue striped scarf, I knew it was him. "I hit you pretty hard. Maybe you're tougher than I thought."

Liu crouched down next to me, and he looked almost nothing like he had in that dark alley a few days ago. There was blood all over him. It completely caked his hands, stained his clothes, dried some in his hair, and was left on his face. I knew it must have been from the murders he committed not too long ago, but there was something even more disturbing about the fact that he didn't want to wash the blood off. He didn't want to forget what he did.

I tried to look at him for more than a few seconds, but he was right in front of the light. "I guess I didn't think about what might happen when you woke up. Hold on," he told me, and I watched him curiously as he went over to a panel on the wall. He looked it over for a second. "Eh, sorry, I don't know this place at all. I saw it earlier and thought it'd be a good hiding spot. I didn't think much about what might happen after. Oh, I found it!" He turned a switch, and half the fixtures went off, dimming the room to a tolerable light.

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