CHAPTER 07 - Weird But Happy -

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*Ding Ding* the doorbell rang at six in the morning. *Ding Ding*

*creaaaakk~~* the door slowly opens.

"Yu... Yuuchan?!" Haruna looks surprised.

"Ohayo! NyanNyan!!" Yuko's radiant smile reached Haruna. "What took you so long? Dozing off again? It’s too early for that!" she joked.

"Mm~Mm" the girl behind the door replied shaking her heads sidewards. "I'm inside the shower so I didn't hear the bell ring. Come inside!" she smiled brightly.

"Yahaaa~~ I missed this place." Yuko voiced out in a soft manner. "I missed cleaning your stuffs." she continued with a tease.

"Mou~ now I feel horrible for making you clean my apartment... Gomene~~" the tall girl pouted and whispered, enough for Yuko to hear. She sat on the sofa and patted at the empty space beside her while looking at Yuko.

"You don't have feel horrible. I'm happy to serve my princess anytime!" the little girl replied cheerfully. She sat on the space beside Haruna and leaned on the tall girl's shoulder. As she closed her eyes, her hands travelled to Haruna's palms. Their fingers intertwined. "Have I... given you a hard time?" she uttered. "I’m..."

Her words were interrupted with Haruna's other hand on her cheeks. "Shhh~ Daijobu, Yuuchan." Yuko lowered her head, making it lean in between Haruna's shoulders and breast. "Why don't you lay here instead?" the long haired girl who's only wearing undies and a big shirt taps her thighs, smiling. She then gladly complied.

With their hands still intertwined placed above Yuko's stomach, Haruna let out a sigh. The girl who's lying down on her lap felt the sudden breathe. She then can't help but look out for what happen. Her free hand reaches out for Haruna's cheeks. "You're cold. Are you okay?" she asked.

"I actually didn't get enough sleep." From the way she's holding her cheeks, Yuko can feel that Haruna's smiling.

"Want me to call the general manager for you? I can tell her you're not feeling well today." she offered with a tone of worry and concern.

"Two more hours of sleep is fine." the girl answered on a whisper.

"I'll accompany you ‘til then." Yuko murmured and let go of Haruna's face. She turned her body a little to her side burying her face on the tall girl's abdomen.


She opened her eyes and looked around. Their hands are still intertwined beside her stomach and her head is still resting on Haruna's lap. Nothing's changed from the last time she set her eyes closed, except that Haruna's other hand slipped down the sofa when she moved her head. She glanced on the nearby clock. "6:32am, I haven't been asleep for fifteen minutes." she whispered to herself. She titlted her head a little to see the other girl's face which is bowed down facing her. Yuko smiled.

"NyanNyan... I missed you... I missed you so much..." words are kept in her thoughts as her hand rised up to feel the bowed girl's cheeks. "Do you really lack sleep? You're still cold." she murmured.

Yuko slowly moved her body away from the sleeping lad. Carefully, she untangled their fingers as she quietly stood up. Seeing how uncomfortable her NyanNyan is, she gathered all the little pillows placed all over the sofa and stack it together to support Haruna's head which she also arranged to lean sidewards on the pile of pillows.

"I'll cook you breakfast first..." she said and gave the sleeping beauty a peck on the cheeks.



"What's with the big sigh, general manager?" teased Mariko.

"Those two seem to be enjoying being together.. again.. Yuko mailed. They won't be coming for the morning rehearsal." Takamina replied in a serious tone.

"I'm glad Nyaro and that squirrel is back together again though. Nyaro is worried sick about Yuko." she answered back. This time, she really is happy with the two spending non-work-related time together. Suddenly, a memory from the night right after the bikini shot appeared on her mind.

={"Mari-chan! Guess who's back! (6.^)/ -Haruna" attached with a picture of her and Yuko sharing a glass of shake.}=

Back then, Mariko saw their eyes revert to the old them, just like how the newlyweds would look, emitting a warm aura of togetherness that is.

"That means, you're going shopping alone soon!! ahaha!!" the short girl pointed out laughing.


"Gome~~" She whispered in a soft trembling voice. "Gomene~ Yuuchan.."

"NyanNyan?" Yuko was taken aback of what she heard. Haruna is still on her sleep which makes her worry more.

She hurriedly let go of the spoon she's holding and turned off the fire that's cooking a soup. As her feet dragged her body back beside the sleeping girl with lightning speed, no other thoughts filled her head but to be by her princess' side.

She kneeled beside the stack of pillows and caressed Haruna's head. Her hands carefully wiped the girl's bangs away from its eyes with a worried expression.

"Yuuchan... Yuuchan..." the sleeping girl continued muttering. You can see her forehead starting to sweat and tears slowly forms on the sides of her eyes. "Gomene..." teardrops then started to slide down her face.

Yuko who's been grazing the sleeping girl's face started to feel distraught. The hurt she felt keeps on increasing every time Haruna calls her name. Unknowingly, her eyes are brimming with tears. She moved quickly towards the pile of pillows and supported Haruna's head with her right hand as she hurriedly removed all of it. With the small space that those removed cushions have created, she carefully sat in and allow Haruna's head to lean on her chest. Accepting all of the tall girl's leaning body weight, as well as its tears and murmurs, she hugged her tightly.

"No~..." Yuko's crying. "No, NyanNyan..." She murmured trying to hold back the tears. "You didn't do anything wrong..." Her warm embrace tightened.

She can hear Haruna, still calling her name. "Stop it... NyanNyan.. Stop it......... Please.. Stop.." Her right hand caressed the girl's head. "It's all because of me… of my stupid reasons..."

"Dont................... Yuuchan.............. No....... Please.............. Stay....... 'Til the end........." Haruna uttered softly between long silences as she rest on the small girl's body.

Yuko nods in reply each time. Her eyes are still flooded with tears. Taking a deep breath is her only resolve as she keeps her arms tightly wrapped around her beloved.

"I will... never leave you again..."


Their hearts and bodies are intertwined. The morning sun is sending light through the small gaps between the window's curtains behind the sofa where they rest. Warm beams of light from the outside reached the short girl's resting eyes.

"Unf!" she reacted on the sun's wake-up call. Her body is still heavy with Haruna's leaning weight on her. The tall girl's hands are now wrapped around her small body. She gently strokes her princess' head and smiled.

"Mmmhh.." Consciousness starts to stick on Haruna. She slowly opened her eyes. "Huh? Clevage?......" She thought. Her eyes are still sporting a sleepy look. She tilted her head upwards and saw Yuko gently smiling at her as their eyes meet. "How did you..."

Yuko gently kissed Haruna's heavy eyes. "Kawaii~" she whispered smiling seeing Haruna's slumberous face gazing at her steadily like an innocent child.

The dopey girl tilted her head back to the position she's woken up not minding the skin that she saw. She pressed her head further down Yuko's chest and closed her eyes to hit the hay again. Yuko giggled.

"Sleepy head..."




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