CHAPTER 17 - Champ de Mars -

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++[Yuko’s POV]++

We are walking hand-in-hand to some huge garden beneath the Eiffel Tower. There were lots of people sitting, some are lying on the grass, reading books, chatting, eating, and others are almost doing nothing.

“Are we going to the Eiffel Tower NyanNyan?” I asked her as I tightened my hands on her.

“Mm~” She hummed a no. “They call this place Champ de Mars”

“Champ de Mars?” I repeated in question. “We’re not going to the Eiffel Tower?”

I didn’t get a reply. We just continued walking. “Anyway, what’s in your bag?” I asked eyeing on the big bag hanging on her arms. She just blushed in reply. “Mou~ NyanNyan~ You’re not even talking to me~”

“Hai~ Hai~” She finally replied smiling at me.

We stopped walking somewhere shaded by the trees. She opened her bag and took out a fabric.

“A blanket?” I whispered asking.

“Hai! We’ll rest here under the tree” she answered while spreading out the blanket on the grass.

She sat down, leaving me standing looking at her. I wonder what’s on her mind. She seems to be enjoying keeping me clueless of her plans. Her big brown eyes stares at me gently, inviting me to sit beside her. My NyanNyan is really pretty. The red blanket that covers the grass compliments her skin white legs. Oh~ And have I mentioned that I love her long hair? I especially love it straight, just like it is today.

“Yuuchan~” she interrupted my thought, tapping on the space beside her.

I gladly complied. Who on earth would not want to sit beside a goddess? Only crazy people wouldn’t find my NyanNyan an angel from heaven.

“What are you thinking, looking at me like that?” She asked me with a smile.

I just shrugged my shoulders and stretched my arms. The shade of the tree calms me, making me want to sleep. So, instinctively, I lied down and supported my head with my intertwined hands.

“Yuuchan…” she called. “This… is free.” She continued while tapping on her lap.

It felt so good to even just imagine that, so I took the opportunity to make her my human pillow. My head lay on her thighs. Her nice smell has visited my nose once again, making me remember how sweet she smells.

“I was wrong.”

“Huh? About?” she asked me with her winning pout.

“…about what I said earlier. You’re not as lovely and beautiful as France.”

“Eh?... Of course! Nobody would agree~” She said giggling.

“Hai~ because you’re still much beautiful than France~ much more lovelier than Paris~”

That left her astounded and I received a poke on my cheeks. “Baka~” she uttered and started stroking my hair adding to the sleepiness that I felt. “You don’t have to force yourself to stay awake, Yuuchan.”


++[Haruna’s POV]++

Ara~ she’s deeply asleep. Yuuchan must be really tired from travelling. I will wake you before dusk though. I’m glad I chose this place as our first stop. she’ll have a nice rest here, cooled by the gentle wind and the shades of the trees.

I can’t help but trace the contours of her face with my fingers, her face that made me smile every day, her face that I dreamt of every night, her face that calms me when I’m in pain. Who would’ve thought she’ll be the one to capture my heart. I myself couldn’t figure out when this all started, when did my heart was no longer my own.

Sitting here on the blanket atop the grass, with sleeping Yuuchan by my side, there’s this feeling of comfort as I watch her steady breathing. I stroked her hair gently as my eyes reached the Eiffel Tower, standing gallantly from a place a little far from here. The sun will set soon and we have to reach the tower by then.

“Yuuchan~” I called out softly while touching her lips. She’s so asleep that my call can’t reach her.

“Yuuchan~” I bend down and kissed her forehead. I sighed seeing that there’s no reaction.

“Yuuchan wake up~” I poked her nose and kissed her closed eyes. Ara~ she’s still asleep. I giggled.

Opportunity. I gently pressed my lips onto hers. It’s funny. She’s still sleeping soundly. If she continues this way, we won’t be able to watch the sun set.

My fingers poked her lips. “Chuu~ Chuu~” I whispered. “Wake-up Yuuchan~” I pinched her cheeks a little and saw her frown.

“NyanNyan~French Kiss~” she murmured in her sleep.

“I already kissed you, so wake up already.” I whispered in response.

“French Kiss~~” she continued murmuring making me blush.

“French Kiss huh? Kissing you off guard is much more romantic to me~”


“Yuuchan! Wake up!” I pinch her cheeks hard to finally stop her from mumbling.

Her palms reached her pinched cheeks as she slowly opened her eyes. I greeted her with a smile.

“NyanNyan~ Ohayo~” She whispered at me smiling with her eyes still looking sleepy. How cute!

“Ohayo? It’s already almost the sunset Yuuchan.” I joked giggling. “Let’s go to the Eiffel Tower!”

“Oh yeah~ I’m in Paris with my princess.” She smiled and reached for my cheeks. Her palms warm it. “It feels like a dream~” She murmured loud enough for me to hear.

She slowly stood up and fixed herself. I’m happy watching her prepare herself from sleep. She lowered herself down and faced me smiling. Her hands reached my hair and stroke it gently, fixing it.

“Ja~ Let’s go to the Eiffel Tower!” She said excitedly as she extends her hand to me.




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