CHAPTER 20 - Flying Under the Orange Sky -

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“Hayakku NyanNyan~” Yuko called out excitedly from the outside of the restaurant they went for lunch to Haruna who is still at the counter paying for their meal.

“Chotto matte~ mou~”

“Ne, ne,.. where do we go next?” the short girl asked jumpily as she clings on Haruna’s arms.

“Eh? You called me hurriedly without an idea where we’re going? You’re funny!”

“You’re my tour guide so I’ll just follow you. You’re just pretty slow today. And spacing out a lot too~”

“Hmm~ We’re going to fly with the balloons today Yuuchan!” Haruna replied with a smile pointing at the hot air balloons floating at the sky blocks away from them.


“Hai! Balloons! We’ll fly and see Paris from above together~”

“B-balloons huh? Seriously?”

“Ara~ Don’t tell me you’re still afraid of balloons!? I thought you’ve already conquered that fear a long time ago!” Haruna’s head tilted while reminiscing that footage. “Hmm, well, it isn’t the balloon that pops though, so I’ve got no second thoughts on bringing you there.”

A pout was spotted on the young girl’s face followed by a big sigh and a smile. “Let’s have a deal!” she uttered.

“Deal?” Haruna frowned.

“Hai~ Let’s hold-hands until the balloon lands.” Yuko suggested happily.

“Just hold hands?” the tall girl asked in a confirming tone.

“What? Do you want something else? Want us to kiss the whole ride?”

“That kiss again! Why do you want to kiss me that bad?”

“Why are you asking that kind of question NyanNyan?! You should know the answer to that!!”

Haruna was taken aback of Yuko’s question as she was reminded by the stolen kisses she’s done to Yuko. “A-ano~ because you’re a pervert?” She jokingly answered making Yuko feel a little annoyed.

“I hate you!” Yuko answered breaking off from her clinging onto the tall girl’s arms and walks away.

“Wait Yuuchan~” she calls as she fasten up her pace to catch-up on the other. “I’m sorry! I’m joking! Hey~”

“I hate you!! I’m not a pervert! I was never a pervert!”

“I know that! Hey!” she hurried walking, still not able to catch up. “I’m sorry~ Hey~ wait~”

Yuko stopped for a moment allowing Haruna to catch up. Now breathing heavily, catching for air.

“I’m sorry… I was just joking…” the tall girl whispered and hugged Yuko as she catches her breath. She rests her head on the short girl’s shoulder and snuggle her cheeks opposite the other. “Anything. Just don’t get mad at me.” She heard a sigh. “Okay, let’s just skip the balloons.”

“No… don’t do that~ I’m okay with it.”

“Eh~ I thought you don’t want to?”

“When did I even say that? I just offered you a deal… and you-”

“Spare it another time.” Haruna cut the short girl. “The balloons are waiting…” she grabbed Yuko’s hand intertwining their fingers.


The sun is beautifully waving goodbye in their eyes as they were carried away by the gentle wind. The wind plays with their hair and whispers calmness on their skin. With their fingers still crossed, everything feels so light and familiar while watching the orange sky morphed with the purple blue clouds.

“I’m glad I chose this over the yacht…” Haruna mumbled.

“Yacht?” Yuko confirmed.

“Un! A private yacht sailing across Seine River.”

“And private too?”

“Mm! I wanted to us to cruise together on a yacht and enjoy the setting sun with the river… with me lying beside you holding a glass of wine.”

“Ehh~ Isn’t that romantic?” Yuko smiled with her squirrel teeth brightly showing along with her well-known enchanting deep dimples.

“It is! And so as this…” Haruna replied with a very gentle voice.

“Ehh~ Is that so?” Yuko looked at Haruna who’s softly smiling along with her eyes watching the city sky. She sticks her small body with the tall girl without letting of her hand and rests her head on its shoulders. “I’m happy.”

“I’m glad you are Yuuchan…”




Somewhere Between Friendship and LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora