CHAPTER 14 - I'm Leaving -

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Photo-shoots and filming started piling up. Moments for them to be together lessens as Haruna's modeling career started to make her busier and Yuko's center responsibilities drag her to lots of filming. Each night became a struggle for both of them as they only have a few minutes with their phones to keep them connected.

["I'll be leaving in a week. I'll miss you~" – Haruna]

["NyanNyan~~ T.T) I'm sorry..." – Yuko]

["Huh? Baka~ We're both busy." – Haruna]

["When will you be back?" – Yuko]

["I don't know..." – Haruna]

["I'll meet you before you leave." – Yuko]

["Eh? I'd love that. Thank You, Yuuchan..." – Haruna]


++[Yuko's POV]++

"What's with that smile?" Acchan saw me smiling reading the last message from NyanNyan.

"NyanNyan messaged me."

"You two are always on mail these days. Something happened?"

"Cuz we're both too busy.. Hmmm." I hummed thinking that I should keep all these happy moments with myself. Acchan doesn't need to know. Or maybe she already heard it from Takamina. "I'm just happy that everything this good happens at the right time."

"That's a weird answer." Acchan commented while packing her things.

She's going away again for another filming and will not be back for long again. And so as NyanNyan. As much as I want NyanNyan to be beside me at this point of my life, a part of me believes that she'll be happy without knowing anything. Same goes for the others.

"Yuko? What's wrong?" Acchan interrupted my thoughts.

"Eh?" My head is thinking too much, I didn't notice that I am already curled up in bed. "My flanks hurt. I just needed sleep." But in reality, it is hurting so much that I can't even bring my eyes to close. "Hehe.. I'll go get water, then sleep." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" She faced me with a concerned look.

"Hai! Daijoubu~"

Acchan locked her bag and started making her way out of the room. "Yuko, Take care of Minami for me."

"Haaaiiii!!!" I responded with enthusiasm as I watch her leave. And so I have this house for myself again.

So in a week, we'll be apart for who-ever-knows-when huh? My heart felt pain. I can see NyanNyan vividly on my mind as I lay down in bed. I can smell her perfume, oh so nice. I can feel her so close to me, the way her skin touches mine, the way our bodies were glued together, specially that night. I can still feel her like she's just here beside me. Damn, I miss her already. Does she feel the same?

There's actually no point thinking about that. If she does feel the same, I'll be more worried. I somehow wish that she doesn't. I'm happy the way we were right now. If this is one sided, it's much better. Aaarrgh~ what the hell am I thinking? What the.. Aaaarrgh!!!


"And Cut!! Very Nice Kojima-san! Thank You for your hardwork!"

The tall girl smiled in response and hurriedly made her way to the restroom. Tomorrow morning is the day she'll fly to leave Japan. Her schedule is tightly packed with work to fill in for the days that she'll be gone. Although her body almost can't handle the excessive work, she just keeps on going.

"Kojima-san! Kojima-san! Are you there?" the staff called out outside the restroom.

"H-hai~ Ch-cho-chotto matte kudasai" she answered in batches stuttering.

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