CHAPTER 23 - Seine River -

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++[Yuko’s POV]++

This will be our last day in Paris. Truth be told, I had the best days of my life in here, the happiest to be exact. Definitely and without a doubt, this place will be greatly missed along with the memories that NyanNyan and I had shared together. This is Paris, a place where the only thing stressful is the tremendous thumping of my heart whenever we’re together cuddling, holding hands, nuzzling, hugging, and almost kissing. If only we can stay here like this forever…

“Are your things ready Yuuchan?” NyanNyan asked while busily packing her own.

“I’m not really on the mood to pack but it’s all done.” *sigh* “I don’t wanna leave here…” I murmured softly.

She looked at me with a smile and walked right next to me. “You’re the one who told me that you want to die in Japan didn’t you?” she joked giggling placing her hands above mine. “But you promised me that you’ll try your best to have your dreams first too right?”

I nodded in response. Her lips curved a smile as she walked back to her bag and continued packing. “Hmmm, have you taken a lot of pictures NyanNyan?”

“Un! We have pictures everywhere. And I have lots of sleeping-Yuuchan pics too!”

“Eh?! No fair!! Lemme see~~” my feet followed her. “It’s because you’re always locking yourself up inside the bathroom until I’m asleep!” I whispered.

“Still going with that huh?”

“Not really… Although I can’t figure out why, as long as I know that you’re not dating someone in there, it’s okay with me.”

“Me? Dating inside the bathroom? Hmmm.. I wonder.” She replied chuckling.

“What? NyanNyan?! That’s not even good as a joke.”

“I’m kidding… I’m kidding… Besides, aren’t you the one using it first before me?”

“Yeah… a-anyway, why do you want to pack things this early? Isn’t it good to do it later tonight?” I asked her casually as I watch her fold her dresses carefully.

She woke me up before the sun set sail to Paris to say good morning, 2am, and forced me to pack my things up for our departure later tonight which is two hours before midnight, and prepare myself to go out. I don’t really understand it but my body moved on its own packing my things half consciously. Maybe there’s something she forgot to visit and so we’re gonna go there and check it out. Well, I don’t really mind, as long as it’s her, so I put on a jeans and tees and a jacket to keep me warm. I wish I knew what I really am to her though instead of just knowing she likes me back.

“I’m done. Finally.” She said relieved and glanced on her watch. “4am, just on time. Come Yuuchan, let’s go out.”

“Seriously? At this time of the day?”

“Un! C’mon!” her hand stretched reaching mine.


++[Yuko’s POV]++

*sigh* “You should’ve brought a jacket with you…” I whispered as my eyes gaze away from her and take her cold hands with mine.

“It’s okay. I’m fine.”

“No you’re not. You’re looking pale.”

She pouted at me with a sad face. “Geez~ I told you I’m fine.”

*sigh* “Where are we going anyway?” I asked as a sign of defeat.

“…to one of the bridge over the Seine River.”

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