CHAPTER 24 - It Was That Feeling -

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++[Yuko’s POV]++

“Yuko, have you reached Haruna yet?” Takamina asked me for the third time today.

“I’m sorry, her phone is out of reach.”

“Are you sure you two didn’t get into a fight back in Paris? She hasn’t gone to rehearsals since you came back from your vacation.” She sighed.

“No we didn’t. We actually had a good time.”

When we came back from Paris, I send her home and kissed each other good night before going back to my apartment. I remember her telling me to take care of my health and strive to live before sharing another kiss. The day after that, we could only exchange messages since my schedule is too heavy, and she said hers is as loaded as well. I didn’t know that she hasn’t been attending rehearsals. I didn’t know anything. The last message I received from her was just yesterday afternoon after lunch, telling me that she misses me and giving me good luck on my work. After that, there’s none. I didn’t try reaching her since I thought that she’s really busy. It was a mistake.

“Oh~ I just receive a message from her. She said she’s in a shoot and won’t be back for long so we should quit worrying.” Takamina interrupted my thoughts.

That’s quite a relief but something about it doesn’t feel right at all. She should’ve told me about it. But there’s no helping it. I’ll just give her a kiss when she came back!


++[Yuko’s POV]++

It’s been a week since then, and still no words from her. This worried heart of mine can’t help but feel so distraught. Were all the memories we had in Paris the last one? It somehow feels like a dream.

As I pulled the drawer of my cabinet, the tingling sound of my bundled keys brings my thoughts back to earth. Ah~ this key, NyanNyan gave it to me before she supposedly left to Paris without me. I wasn’t able to give this back to her since then. I didn’t notice myself carrying this around with me the whole time. Will it be alright if I go there and intrude?


++[Yuko’s POV]++

I sent her a message hoping that she’s home to see me at this door, but looks like she’s really out of town, or country maybe. I remember her handing me this key saying that when I missed her, I can come to this house. I never knew I would.

My feet make its way in as my fingers slides to every wall that leads me to her room. The lights remained off as I chose not to bother myself from opening it, she’s not there anyway. I missed her. Where are you NyanNyan? Your bed is empty, it misses you, just like how my heart wanted your warmth.

I threw myself onto her bed and there her scent lingers, giving me much more heartache than what I’m feeling right now. Where is she? Damn it, where are you NyanNyan? At least show me something to hold on to aside from those memories we had in Paris. Show me, and tell me that there’s something more to it. How can I continue strive to live my life if you’re not here beside me? What was Paris all about then? Damn, questions are piling up.

“Ara~ what is this?” I murmured as my hands got a hold of something underneath her pillow. Oh, these small vessels for her vita- What? These are pain killers! Do I happen to left one of mine in here? No, I can’t be wrong. This is hers.

My heart worries more. Feels like those unknown something-is-not-right feelings that is poking me from time to time suddenly grows larger. Damn it NyanNyan! I should’ve asked you about it. Damn it!!!! Now I’m this distressed. This place doesn’t console me at all. It’s making my heart grow fonder.

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