Felix's Hidden Side

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You turn to Felix and give him a glare for being so insensitive.

"Felix! It's a child, gosh you're so...ugh." You retort, shoving Felix aside and walking up to the child.

She was young and small. Her clothes were dirty but not ripped, her eyes were glassy from crying. The sight of this poor kid was...heartbreaking.

"Wait (Y/N)!" Felix called out, grabbing your wrist and pulling you away from the kid. "What if it's hostile? (Y/N), we don't even know where it's been!"

"Oh relax Felix! She's just a kid." You snap, snatching your wrist back and walking towards the little girl.

You knelt down to the kid's height and looked her in the eyes.

"Hey sweetheart, are you okay?" You ask and she shakes her head. "Aw, honey, come here."

You bring her into a hug and she cries into your shoulder.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Can you tell us what happened?" You question and she just shakes her head, wiping a tear from her cheek. "Okay, okay, can you at least tell me how old you are?"

She wipes more tears from her cheeks and looks at you with puppy eyes holding up three fingers. You smile at how adorable she is. You notice that she wore a silver necklace with an engraving on it; you had to squint to see it though.

"That's a pretty necklace you have there." You smile and nods while you look at it. "Sarah..." You read and looked at her. "Is that you?"

She nods her head and your smile grows wider.

"Okay, well, Sarah, if you want why don't you come with us and we'll um...we'll get you home yeah?" You say and she nods yet again with glassy, puppydog eyes.

"Woah woah wait!" Felix stops you as you get up and hold the little girl's hand. "You mean we're actually taking that...thing with us?"

"That thing is a her. Stop being such an ass Felix, loosen up." You glare at him while walking past him and the group.

The rest of the group just went along with it, too tired to argue, but for some reason Felix had enough energy to argue...it seemed like that was the case most of the time.

"Wait, (Y/N)," You hear Church call out. "I think we should crash here for tonight. Some of us are tired...so maybe we could fix a few things up and rest for a bit?"

You sighed then nodded, rejoining the group rather silently. You guys found a pretty decent house to stay in for the night; it had two floors and three bedrooms, two downstairs and one up, perfect for the girls in the group.

The boys slept downstairs and Carolina and Kimball slept in the rooms downstairs, leaving Tex with the one upstairs. You took Sarah with you to sleep in the upstairs living room, not wanting her to be around the other boys in the group, you felt like she was your responsibility.

It was almost pitch black if it wasn't for the moon and the stars casting dim glows all over the place. Half the ceiling of the top floor was ripped off allowing you to gaze above at the night sky. You decided not to use the bedroom, you laid out a blanket you found and let Sarah sleep on it while you looked after her. You pet her hair lightly as it helped her fall asleep. Suddenly you started getting tired too til the point where you literally couldn't keep your eyes open anymore.


Felix's POV

I woke up earlier than everyone else to check on (Y/N). When I got up there she was still sleeping but damn...she was beautiful.

I really fucked up with her...I could've been there next to her but...I'm such an idiot.

She really means everything to me and sometimes I just have a hard time expressing that. But as I was thinking about her, for some really weird reason, I remembered that thing last night, the kid-or girl. She wasn't there.

"Fuck." I whispered, not loud enough to wake (Y/N) though.

Then I saw a little pink shoe by the opened window. I climbed out and found the girl standing by the edge of the roof.

How the hell did she get out here?

"Psst! Hey!" I whisper shouted and the little one saw me.

She took a step back and whimpered in what looked like fear. And I'll admit for a second I actually felt bad for the thing.

"No no no, it's okay...I'm not going to hurt you okay?" I told her but she still seemed scared as she took a few more steps back, getting really close to the edge.

"Scary." She said in a high pitched voice, it was actually pretty cute and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"No sweetie, I promise I'm not scary 'kay? I'm like you, see?" I took my helmet off and she very lightly smiled. "I'm going to come get you now kk? Stay there."

I very slowly took steps toward her until I was finally able to kneel down next to her so I was at eye level with her.

"See? No scary, just...me. 'Kay?" I say and she just nods. "Alright, c'mon let's go back to (Y/N)."

I pat her on the back and she follows. Her tiny hand wraps around my finger as she picks up her stuffed teddy bear, which I didn't even notice until now, which made me think that this little girl wasn't all too bad.

I grabbed my helmet and put it on before I climbed through the window first then carried Sarah in. It took me just a second though to realize that everyone was awake by now and staring at me.



You all stared at Felix as Sarah ran to you.

"Nothing, we're just not used to seeing you be nice and stuff." You chuckle and you could tell that he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, I wasn't being nice I was just making sure she was safe and stuff! Okay? Thank you. You're welcome." He responds fast, trying to cover up the fact that he was actually being nice to the girl.

"Riiight well we better get moving, we have a long ways to go." Church said appearing by Carolina

Felix nodded and you gave him a look as everyone went downstairs. You knew he was just trying to cover up his kind side.


Once you guys started walking, you noticed that Sarah kept looking backwards. You two were in the front along with Carolina and Wash, you looked back to where she kept looking and you noticed that Felix was back there.

She tugged on your arm and you knelt down to her height making the group stop. She whispered and you nodded as she ran to the back of the group and grabbed Felix's finger since her hand was super small.

Felix was puzzled, as was everyone else, for a second, then went along with it and continued to walk and that's when you felt something. You didn't quite know what it meant but you noticed it when you saw Felix with Sarah...it was...cute when he was nice to her.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I know what it's like to have to hang onto a cliffhanger! Hence the name, cliffhanger! Well anyways what I wanted to say was thank you guys for all the comments! I don't know why I haven't been able to respond to them on my last few chapter but I read them and I just wanted to say thanks to all of you! I hope the issue with comments will be fixed so I can talk to you guys! Well until next time!


Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Where stories live. Discover now