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Wash's POV

I felt like a total jerk for what I did...I didn't know if I go through with all this. After the conversation Felix and I had I realized that he wasn't the bad guy. I never saw him as anything else but a jerk...but he's not. I guess I can kind of relate to him...he made mistakes and now he's attempting to fix them. And what reason do I have to hurt him? Or (Y/N)? If I hurt either of them it's going to have a negative outcome on everyone.

They're my friends...the people I care about most and this is how I'm going to show them that I care about them too? I can't...they're my family too and hurting them is the worst thing I could ever why am I right now?

"Wash?" I heard Tex say from behind me. To be honest I was sick of her voice. "Hey babe, watcha doin up here? Why aren't you with the others?"

"Look, Tex...I don't think-"

"Oh! By the way I forgot to tell you that the little boy you killed earlier, for the whole fake death thing, was perfect! I found out that he didn't have any parents or siblings or anyone who cared about him really so no one will ever really know what happened to him." She smiled and put her head on my shoulder. I seriously didn't want to be reminded of that again...and I didn't know if she knew that but it felt like she was purposefully rubbing it in my face that I was the one who killed the poor kid.

"Yeah whatever...maybe you should go find another place to hide." I replied, shoving her off me.

"Ooo well, someone's grumpy. Oh and I was thinking, you know that kid could've been friend's with that little girl of Felix's. That would've been cute right?...But oh well...they'll be in the same place pretty soon." She smirked and elbowed me. I felt sick after what she said. Did she mean what I thought she meant? She never said anything about Sarah until now...but I had to play along no matter how twisted she was....I'm so sorry Sarah.

"Yeah...soon I guess."

"Yep! Be ready in fifteen...and let's break this blade."


You woke to Felix's arms wrapped around you. It was a comforting feeling to have, especially after all those years without him. But in this case, you really needed to use the bathroom.

"Felix?" You whisper but he doesn't wake up. "Felix! Wake up!" You whisper yelled, nudging him a bit. "I have to use the bathroom!"

He shuffled around a bit but he somehow managed to keep you in his grip.

"Felix! Please? I know you're awake!" You whisper yell again and he chuckles still half asleep.

" I'm not losing you again." He said in his half asleep half awake voice, which was pretty sexy...just sayin.

"Aw...Felix that's...that's so sweet." You smile and he kisses your head. "...Buuut I really have to pee!"

You wined and Felix laughed.

"Haha! Alright fine...only because I love you."

He got out of bed and you rushed to find the bathroom. He put on a shirt and went to go check on Sarah while you tended to your business.

Once you finished, you started walking to Sarah's room but you noticed that you didn't hear any of the guys or Carolina or Kimball. Which was weird because you almost always heard Grif and Simmons arguing or Tucker telling Caboose how stupid he was while he sang some weird song about how Church was his best friend or something.

You started peeking in the rooms but no one was there. Not the reds, not the blues, not Kimball, or even Carolina. You started to get curious, thinking about where they could've gone or if they were...taken or forced out.

Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Where stories live. Discover now