Believe What You Hear? Or What You See?

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You eventually fell asleep waiting for Felix and Scott to get back. You suddenly woke to Sarah who was trying to climb up and sit on your lap.

"Sweetheart what're doing?" You chuckle as she continues to try to climb on the chair.

"Up! Up!" She says hopping and you laugh.

"Okay honey, come here." You picked her up and set her on your lap.

She's so cute.

You looked at her and she was looking around all wide-eyed and adorable. Although her eyes stopped at somepoint, looking to your left. She suddenly waved shyly and you looked over too so you could get a glance.

You saw a guy leaning against the wall and watching over Sarah, not in a creepy way but more like a...babysitter way. He had steel and dark green armor but he didn't have a helmet on. He had hair kind of like Scott's but his was dark red. His eyes were also a hypnotizing green.

"Hi." You waved and he gave a small wave back.

"Hey, you know your little one there is quite amusing." He said standing up straight and walking towards you a bit.

"Yeah she's definitely...something." You smile and Sarah laughs as she sees the guy.

"Are you all better now that you have mommy?" He asked, crouching to Sarah's level. She nodded with the cutest, shyest smile on her face. "Alright then. You behave okay?"

She nodded again and Scott all of a sudden appeared by the guy as he stood up.

"Hey Kyre, how's it goin?" He asked putting a hand on the dude's shoulder.

"Hey Scott, I'm doin good. How's the search? Did you guys find anything?" Kyre asked and Scott glanced at you, looking kind of nervous.

"Um I'll tell you later." He said quietly and you gave him a curious look. "Um anyways! (Y/N) meet Kyre. He's the one who's been supervising Sarah while you were asleep."

"Oh thanks, I know she can be quite..." You paused trying to find the right word but he seemed to get the point.

"Yeah, I gotcha." He smiled and you nodded.

"Well thank you...and yeah I was wondering how she got down seven flights of stairs." You chuckled and so did Kyre and Scott.

"It's no problem and yeah that probably wouldn't end well." He joked and you laughed. "Alright well I gotta go so I'll catch you guys later."

He turned around and left and Sarah jumped off your lap and ran past Scott. You looked past him and saw Felix picking her up and carrying her.

"There's my little sweetheart." He chuckled and she laughed.

"Dada." She smiled poking his shoulder, he laughed which caused her to laugh too.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty." Felix said turning to you and you rolled your eyes.

"Good morning yourself." You smiled and he chuckled.

"That doesn't even make sense." He said and you folded your arms.

"You don't make sense!" You shot back with a fake pout.

Scott kind of stood there quietly while you two argued, probably feeling really awkward at the moment. Suddenly that girl from yesterday walked up to Scott and whispered something to him. He nodded and the girl looked to you and Felix with a slight smirk plastered on her face. Scott turned to the both of you while the you both exchanged glances.

"So Kyra was wondering if you guys were partying with us tonight. I just thought you guys were already...anyways, um usually we throw parties every now and then just But yeah, everyone's invited and usually everyone's down here but...I thought you guys already knew that but I guess So you guys interested?" He asked and you shrugged.

Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Where stories live. Discover now