Bloody Street Art

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You and Felix stood there speechless. He looked like he was about to cry which is something he never ever does. It was...sweet.

"She's going to need a few days before she can get out of bed but she's recovering." Carolina said and Felix smiled.

"I-I don' did you...I mean...thank you, really." He responded and you smiled.

"You're welcome." Carolina replied and this time you could tell she was smiling too.

"What can we do to repay you? Seriously I don't think you know how grateful we are for you to do this for her...and us." You say while Felix walks over to Sarah's side.

"Don't mention it. Felix has saved our family many's the least we could do." Epsilon appeared by Carolina and you smiled and nodded.

"Well we'll leave you guys alone. C'mon Church." Carolina mumbled leaving the room with Church.

You turned to Wash and saw he was especially quiet. You walked closer until he noticed.

"Hey." You said giving him a small wave before continuing. "Um thank you...I appreciate it Wash..."

He nodded and walked out. You turned around and noticed Felix was looking at you with a look telling you that he didn't like you talking to Wash and you know it.

"What?" You ask with a bit of an attitude.

"Oh nothing..." He said looking away, shaking his a bit.

"No seriously, what is it with you and him. You know he helped save Sarah right?" You sass and shrugs.

"I know and I'm thankful for that...never said I wasn't." He mumbled and you rolled your eyes.

"So why do you like...hate his guts?!" You ask and he rolls his eyes.

"Forget it...I'm going to get dressed." He sighed storming out and you folded your arms and rolled your eyes at how stupid this was.

"Hey wait no!" You said grabbing his wrist and turn him around. "I want an answer!"

"(Y/N), look I don't want to fight with you right now okay? Where is this even coming from? Huh? Why are you defending him?! Really I don't-...nevermind forget it." He mumbled walking off but you start to speak and he stops in the doorway.

"No stop, don't just leave me like you did, not just three, but four years ago!" You scream and Felix turns around almost immediately.

"You honestly thinks that's fair?!" He yells back walking closer to you.

"Yes I do actually!" You say and he scoffs.

"I left to protect you!" He yelled and you joined in the yelling.

There was about five minutes of overlapping argument before you both stopped thanks to a small whimper. Felix looked over to Sarah and saw that she was awake, clutching to her blankets like she was looking at a ghost or something.

"Sarah." Felix said taking a step toward.

She covered herself with the blanket and you could still hear small, muffled cries.

Felix looked to you and you shrugged, wondering why she was acting like that too.

"Sarah, sweetie, it's me, Felix...I'm your-"

" dada." She finished for him but she still ended up crying for some reason.

"Yeah...yes sweetheart that's-...that's me...what's wrong?" He asked, kneeling down by her bedside while she lowered her blanket.

Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Where stories live. Discover now