A Click and a Bang

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"(Y/N), wait-"

"What is the matter with you, Felix?!" You shout rushing into the room and he puts his knife away.

"It's not what it looks like I swear I-"

"He just snapped. It's okay man, it happens to everyone." Scott finished for him and Felix glanced at him.

"No I didn't!" He growled and Scott stumbled to his feet. "I swear if you don't shut up-"

Felix stepped towards Scott and you knew his sentence wasn't going to end with the nicest words. You stepped between them, holding Felix back. You've had enough with Felix and his behavior.

"Stop! Just...stop." You said mainly to Felix. "Stay the hell away from Scott...and Sarah."

"(Y/N) I-"

"Save it." You interrupted and he sighed.

"Fine." He mumbled and you gave him one last glare before walking towards the door with Scott.

He turned and knelt in front of Sarah, trying to convince her to come with but she wouldn't budge...she actually looked...scared.

Felix's POV

That...could not have gone better.

Scott is such a dirty liar...(Y/N) wouldn't even listen to me.

"C'mon sweetheart let's go." Scott knelt in front of Sarah and tried to convince her to go with him...I saw him pick up his knife covered in Sarah's blood. Slick move but not perfect.

Sarah kept refusing to go with him. She looked genuinely scared...I felt so bad I couldn't help her. Scott finally got fed up with her refusing and he grabbed her other arm that wasn't cut and started to pull her along. I was about to go up and snap his neck but I guess I didn't need to.

"No!" She screamed snatching her arm back.

She ran from him and over to me, hiding behind my leg. (Y/N) was about to come get her but Scott stepped in front of her and whispered something. He lightly lead her out of the room and shut the door behind him. I looked to Sarah and she looked up at me with puppy dog eyes as she held her cut arm.

"C'mon sweetness...let's get you patched up."

She nodded and I got some supplies to clean her wound. The whole time I couldn't stop blaming myself...if only I wasn't so stupid...I knew something was up, I can't believe I actually let them near Sarah.

I picked her up and set her down on one of the supply crates. I knelt down and started to patch it up, every now and then she would flinch or move back.

"Ow..." She whined in an adorable voice, I felt bad, I knew it would hurt.

"I know, I know...just close your eyes 'kay? It's gonna sting a little but it'll be over soon."

After I finished cleaning her wound I patched it up and she opened her eyes and hugged me. She started to cry a little bit and I absolutely hated it when she did. It was all that twisted Scott's fault.

"Sarah?" I pulled her away and she looked at me. Wiping one of the tears from her cheeks, I to ask her. "Can you tell me what happened before I got here?"

She nodded and started to explain using her three year old vocabulary...but I understood it...and hell, Scott's going to wish I had already killed him when I had him.


"I'm so sorry for his behavior." You stated walking into Scott's room with him.

"No, no...it's alright...I do wish he could've went a little easier on me though." He chuckled shutting his door behind him.

Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Where stories live. Discover now