The Choice

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You stumbled back at the sound and just as you were about to go and get help you realized that you couldn't. No one was around or at least you had no idea where anyone was; all the rooms you passed by earlier were empty and none of Scott's men would take your side. Afterall, he was their leader.

"Okay..." You sighed to yourself realizing you had to do this on your own.

You slowly opened the door to see Scott with a gun and Felix holding his shoulder. There were also two others in the room; to the side of Felix stood a guy and a girl or in this case...Kyra and Kyre. Everyone turned to look at you while you looked at Scott with horror in your eyes. He's not the same.

"Felix." You muttered before running to him and Sarah.

"(Y/N), I'm okay. Just...Sarah." He managed to say, you could tell that he was not as okay as he said he was.

"Sarah stay behind me sweetie okay?" You said taking her small hand and pulling it to the side of you but also a little behind you.

Your gaze went back to Scott and the horror in your eyes slowly started to become hatred and sadness.

"Scott, what is going on?" You asked, your voice a bit shaky.

"(Y/N), look it's not what it looks like." He replied putting the gun down and walking over to you.

"Bullshit!" You yelled in his face but he didn't seem to back up. "What is wrong with you?"

You started to tear up and Scott flashed a fake confused look your way.

"What are you talking about (Y/N)?" He chuckled snapping his fingers, signaling for Kyra and Kyre to grab Felix.

"You've changed." You stated pushing Sarah behind you even more.

"(Y/N), no! It's still me...the same old Scott remember?" He said taking your hands in his but you quickly snatched them back, pushing him away a little in the process. "Haha feisty...well glad to know you're still the same."

"Scott, seriously what happened to you? You used to be caring and kind a-and...different. Where's the Scott I used to know?" You questioned as a tear fell down your cheek. His jaw clenched at your words but that didn't stop you from continuing. "The old Scott would've helped that lady in that building or at least he would've checked to make sure she was still alive or something like that. The old Scott never would've done what he did to that nurse in the hospital. What happened to him? Huh? What happened that could possibly make him-"

"The old Scott is gone!" He yelled and you just now noticed the fire in his eyes.

His statement made you take a step back. He was right...Scott's gone...but who took his place?

"Plus," He let a sinister chuckle/scoff. "I did check on that girl in the building. Yeah, at least like four times...I knew she was dead, I had to make sure of it...afterall I was the one who killed her."

Your eyes widened and he backed up to grab a knife off of a nearby crate.

"Scott, stop" Felix growled while Kyra and Kyre held him back.

"You know Felix? I would love to but I still haven't got what I wanted." He replied looking at Sarah.

"Touch either of them, and it'll be the death of you." Felix retorted and Scott laughed.

"Oh don't worry, I won't have to...(Y/N), will be kind enough to hand her over right darling?" He smirked towards you and you gave him a look of confusion and disgust.

"Why in the hell would I do that?" You replied and Scott shook his head.

"Well if you don't, your little boyfriend here will suffer...and you don't want that now do you?" He laughed an evil laugh that sent shivers your way. You could tell that some of his sanity has left him. "Make a choice, (Y/N)...Felix or Sarah?"

Sorry guys! It is a short chapter and sorry for that wait but it's only because I have been planning the end of the book...

Oh and stay tuned! There's going to be a special chapter soon! ;)


Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin