Old Friends

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"Oh my gosh..." You whispered close to tears.

You looked at the horrifying sight that was in front of you. Your hand shook along with the pistol in it. Next thing you knew it dropped and so did you, next to Wash's dead body. Blood seeped from his helmet...and it was all your fault.

"(Y/N)...sweetheart what did you do?" Felix asked stepping out from the darkness.

"He betrayed me. He deserves it." You stated but didn't want to. The words coming out of your mouth weren't the ones you chose to say. They were forced...you know you never would've said anything like that. Ever.

"(Y/N), he loved you...you know that right? He'd do anything for you." Felix knelt next to you and put his arm around you while you cried.

"He loved me enough to stab me in the back?" You managed to choke out through your tears and again, those weren't your words. They felt forced and cruel but no matter what, you were meant to say them.

"Well...that's how you can tell it's real." Felix stood and took out his pistol while you remained on the floor. "Even the greatest relationships come to end sweetheart...and now that I think about, maybe it's better if we get the pain over with."

You looked up at him with glassy eyes and pleaded, in your mind, for him stop.


"Oh sweetheart don't give me that look. I'm doing this for us, you understand? C'mon...let's make this easy okay?" He took off his helmet and gave you one last, sweet kiss before aiming. The last thing you heard was him whispering a goodbye and the pulling of the trigger.


You snapped awake and Felix's hand was on your shoulder, shaking you slightly.

"(Y/N) what happened, are you okay?" He asked, you could tell how worried he was by the tone of his voice.

"W-what? What happened? Please don't shoot, I don't want us to ever end I just-please Felix." You cried and he immediately got confused, yet sympathetic as well.

"Sweetheart what're talking about?" He questioned and you brought your knees up to hug them, giving him enough room to sit next to you. "We're always going to have each other alright? This," He began, taking your hand in his. "will never end...ever. Okay?"

"Okay." You smiled snuggling up to him.

He enjoyed the moment for a second. He hugged you tight and you never wanted him to let go. All the pain you went through, now you realize, it was worth it. To be here with Felix...for him to care about you and never let you go...ever...that feeling was just...perfect.

"Alright sweetheart...I think you should see something." He said getting up and you started to whine.

"But but-" You started giving him puppy eyes and he chuckled.

"I know, I know, we'll continue later 'kay?"

You nodded and he took your hand leading you into the room where you last saw Wash. As you entered you saw the bed that you and Felix put Wash on earlier and soon enough he also started to come into sight. The best part was that he was alive...or wait...was that the best part?

He was sitting up messing with his fingers as he looked down. You could tell he was upset...and he should be.

"Felix, you saved him...that's amazing!" You say turning to him and hugging him. "You're amazing."

He gives you a quick kiss on the lips and you both smile.

"Well, I'm gonna leave you two just for a second 'kay? You guys should probably talk things out. Love you." He said before rushing out, it's as if he wanted you two to be alone....and that's not like Felix. When did he become so forgiving?

Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Where stories live. Discover now