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Felix's POV

Fuck...I can't believe I trusted her. What a bitch.

I finally arrived at the location Tex requested. And I'll admit, whatever or whoever made this Area 51 place, they've really got their shit together. I mean retinal scanners and everything. And oh those doors look like they're made out of glass but they're strong as fuck. Now I'm curious...who actually made this place?

"You're on time." I looked up to see the female version of satan standing in one of the crazy cool doorways.

"Didn't have much of a choice, did I?" I shot back. Man I hate her.

"No you didn't." She chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "Follow me."

I hesitantly followed her in the insanely cool building. We passed by halls literally covered in blood...it kinda worried me...or not worried I mean it just got me thinking. What the hell happened here? And damn...what if Sarah saw this? ...She'd be scarred for life. Poor girl.

"Where the hell is my daughter?" I shot at her she chuckled, which pissed me off.

"Ha! You mean Sarah?" She replied and I almost punched her in the face.

"Y-yes...I mean Sarah..." I mumbled and saw her smirk.

"We're almost there big boy."

"Don't...don't call me that."

She rolled her eyes, leaving me confused...what is with this girl? First the weird trickery, then the betrayal, and then the sudden? W. T. F.?

We stopped at one of the doorways, this one not made of the sick indestructible glassy stuff though. This one was metal and seemed a bit more sturdy.

She stopped and turned to look up at me with sparkling eyes and a smirk. After all I was taller than her...well and (Y/N).

"Go right on in handsome." She said but before I attempted to step foot in that room, I did need to get something out of the way.

"Actually wait...you know there is one thing I've been wanting to ask you..."


"Do you...you know...like me?"

I could tell I got her right where I wanted her. She tried to play it off cool but...she wasn't very good at acting.

"Wha-I don't-no! I do not like you..." She stuttered and I knew I had to play slick.

"Haha riiight excuse me...you love me." I said backing her up against the wall, by this time she was bright red. "C'mon, don't fight it baby...we both know that you're dying inside for some of this. Yeah?"

She nodded and finally let into her dirty side.

"Off?" She said giving me a look, indicating that she wanted my helmet off. Her wish was my command.

I tossed my helmet to the side and started to make out with the brat. She wrapped her legs around me and I lifted her up against the wall. I brought one hand down to her waist and bingo...she was mine.

"You know...if you want to go somewhere more private..." I trailed off and she understood but seemed a bit confused.

"What're talking about? There's no one here besides Locus and Sarah." She stated and I knew I had to explain.

"Yeah well they're just in the other room right? You can't just bang in a hallway silently. Not very appropriate" I said kind of disgusted, but I didn't let it show.

"Well yeah but they won't hear us." She said and I put her down.

"Yeah but that just doesn't...I mean something's off." I paused and she looked to her smirking. "Oh yeah...I think you forgot a few people. I mean I don't think it's appropriate to show that kind of stuff to Caboose and all the others you know? It's just...not right. You know what I mean?"

"What?" She questioned and I pulled the gun I snagged from her belt while we were making out.

"Don't scream, don't move, and don't try anything. Got it?" I made it clear that if she made any sudden movements I would shoot...and she knew that I wouldn't hesitate. "C'mon out guys." I said to the guys in the vents.

The reds and the blues came dropping down and (Y/N), Carolina, and Kimball around the corner and I already knew what (Y/N) was going to say.

She came up to me and started to speak but I cut her off and put my hand over her mouth.

"Okay, I know what you're going to say but I promise I'll explain later okay? Love you." I said quickly before taking my hand off her. "Carolina if she makes any moves, shoot her. Don't hesitate. And Wash, Sarge, look out for any incoming hostiles."

"No wait!" (Y/N) said putting her hands on her hips.

"(Y/N), I have to-"

"No...what was all that?! I mean sure part of 'that' was the plan but what was all the extra stuff?! Like the dirty talk the...yeah! You get it!" She pouted and I smirked and shrugged.

"Improv." I say and she scoffs and I kiss her on the forehead. "Love you."

I grabbed my helmet and stepped into the room putting it on. The door slid shut immediately behind me. The place was fairly lit but still small. The walls were metal and the floors too, with scratches and large dents. It was cold, and rusty...I could tell this was some sort of prison cell for a dangerous animal or something because I mean...the size of those claw marks is about the size of Tucker.

But suddenly I saw Sarah. She was tied up and crying while she sat on a small wooden chair which, by the way, didn't seem too sturdy.

"Sarah." I whispered walking up to her before the sound of a gun cocking filled the air. My first thought? Fuck...

"Not so fast." I heard Locus say, at this point his voice wasn't a mystery anymore.

"Look I'm just here to get my daughter-I mean Sarah. I followed your little rules. What else do you want?" I asked while holding my hands up in surrender.

"I thought mercenaries were supposed to be smart. If you want her, you have to get through me first."

I could tell he was about to shoot...this time he wouldn't miss. He fired but I knocked his hand out of the way kneeing him in the gut in the process. But she shoved me and my back hit the wall, next thing I knew he was starting towards me with a knife. I move as fast as I can out of the way and his knife penetrates the metal wall. I pick up the pistol and he charges at me. I move again and turn to push him against the wall by his throat, aiming the gun directly at him.

"What are you waiting for? Do it...kill me. I dare you." Locus taunts and I look down.

"Sarah...don't look okay?" I make sure before I let myself go.

I pulled the trigger and bang sound floats throughout the air. Locus' dead body sinks to the floor and I could hear Sarah whimper.

I ran up to her and she's still crying, this time even more. I untie her and take her into my arms only to look down at her pink shirt covered in blood; her cry suddenly gets quieter and quieter until it just...stops.  

Sharp Souls: A Red vs Blue Fanfic [FelixxReader] Book #2Where stories live. Discover now