Chapter Twenty Six.

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Chapter Twenty Six.

Alena grinned happily as she took a sip of the hot chocolate she had made for herself and another for Reece. She had learned a lot about her red headed friend in the short time that they had been sat around the island in the kitchen.

She had at one pointed wanted to through the mug cradled in her hands at the wall in front of them as she had listened to Reece tell her the story of how he had been treated in his last pack. Although Reece had shrugged it off and seemed to accept the fact that he was an outcast as he had put it Alena wasn't happy about it. She had only known the werewolf in Samuel's and Dean's pack and all of them had been nice but the pack that Reece had once belonged to weren't so nice. She guessed that was why he had been so shocked when she thought he was cool as all his life he had had people being horrible about him because of who, or what he was.

She had sat gripping the mug tightly while Reece told her of how he was excluded from the pack and treated differently from an early age. He had told her that when he was little the other kids would avoid him like the plague and as he got older it worsened to the pointed where they would purposely started fights with him and even gone so far as to start insulting his family.

Alena had been angry but Reece had managed to make light of the conversation by telling her that he once told them that if they touched him he would set them on fire because of his red hair. She had laughed out loud at that even found herself high fiving her new friend for his creativity.

"You're different from how I imagined you to be." Reece uttered once he had taken a sip from his own mug.

She looked up and over the top of her mug as she raised and delicate eyebrow. "How so?"

"I don't know. I guess I thought of you to be some bubble head blonde that would send us all to our deaths because you were basking in the attention you got from being the prophecy. Or I thought you would be so scared little girl who would spend her days locked in her room in fear of coming out." He shrugged.

"That hurts," she mumbled as she placed a hand over her heart and pretended to be hurt by his words.

"You know what I mean thought when I say your nothing like I thought you would be. For one you're not locked in your room shaking with fear and another you're not blonde but you are small, at least I was right about one thing." He grinned cheekily at her.

"I could still beat you." She grinned as she wiggled her fingers playfully at him. She laughed when a look of horror crossed his face as if he actually thought she would use her magic against him.

She shook her head but kept the soft smile on her lips. Reece was now her friend and she could see them becoming best friends in the future. She and Reece shared a mutual understanding, they were both Halflings and that was enough to bond them together. It was an added bonus that they got on well with each other, Reece was nice and she enjoyed him company and playful banter, she also admired him as he had been through a lot because of what he was and he still managed to sit in front of her smiling and laughing. She knew that if it was her she wouldn't have been able to keep smiling and laughing with others.

"You wouldn't"

She shrugged and grinned at him once again, "try me and we'll find out."

She could see that Reece was about to reply but he quickly shut his mouth as the sound of bare feet hitting the wooden floor boards sounded behind her. She spun around on the stole as watched the entrance to the kitchen as a very tired looking Samuel came into view in nothing but a pair of lightweight joggers that she knew he had probably just thrown on before trying to find her as he normally slept in boxers. She starred shamelessly as he yawned and ran a hand over his stubble covered face; his hair was sticking it in all sorts of directions as his tired eyes scanned the kitchen until they landed on her.

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