The trial begins

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Loke's p.o.v.

The next morning after me and Kess had a talk with Akira about the vision while packing for the trip.

It was agreed something would happen that would prevent Kess and others from returning home for some time so with Kyo, Tai , and Thor's help when they popped in our apartment was emptied into my celestial world apartment as a precaution before we left for the guild with our bags for the trip. I was wearing jeans with a green Zodiac t-shirt with my symbol and Kess was wearing likewise only her shirt was black and her black hair hung down over her shoulders with her bangs braided to the side. And today she sported some black shades, gosh is she hot.

Unlike some of the girls in the guild Kess only carried her backpack and messenger bag, and I knew for a fact she'd packed food and extra water or Gatorade due to a gut feeling she had. When we arrived we were met by our partners, her's Pantherlily and mine Gray.

Eventually we all took carriages to Hargeon to catch the ship to Tenrou Island.

She sat reading her magazine leaning against me as I left my arm around her as I played with the tips of her hair with my fingers, while Panther Lily and Gajeel chatted on the other side with Levy on the way there. I figure she got a coded message since she has a pen making markings as she reads through the article. She looks so cute when she's in thought.

"So Gray how are you gonna handle the competition knowing Loke's key holders are on separate teams.", Levy says catching my attention.

"I'll be fine, they know it's just a little friendly competition.", I say.

"It won't be that bad. It's not like Loke's my strongest key, like he is with Lucy. Now her strongest Key likes to drown her.", Kess says "All though I do enjoy his company the most." as she winks making me blush.

"Besides except for whether she or Gray passes everything goes back to normal after S-Class.", I say.

"I'm definitely gonna win. There's no chance I'm going easy on you!", Gray shouts pointing at Kess.

"Not if we beat you first!", the Iron dragon slayer chuckles.

"Fine don't go easy on me, it would be an insult to those that worked for it and weren't picked if you didn't.", she says still making marks.

"But don't expect me to be a push over either. I'm a lot stronger than Lucy, even with out having any other gold keys." making me chuckle.

"Awe babe, don't you worry your pretty head we'll go plenty hard when we beat you.", I say smirking.

"That's if you get to face me, remember you could get knocked out by someone else at anytime.", she says smirking.

After a long ride we eventually reach the port and are aboard the ship. And to my surprise it's tropical temps as the girls all change to lighter clothes. Kess sits on the ground next to me in jean shorts and a work out tank top leaning on my legs as she now puts on some sun screen.

"Hey Wendy can't you use that Troya spell on me.", Natsu begs the little slayer.

"No can do Natsu, she's on my team. It's against the rules for her to help you.", Mest says.

"He's got a point.", I say as Kess looks up at me.

"Does that mean I have to see if someone else wants to put sunscreen on my back so I don't blister and burn.", she says batting her eyelashes at me.

"I'll do it!", shouts Bixslow.

"No, I think that I'm fine to do that.", I say.

"No you said your self no helping other teams.", Happy says as Kess pinches her nose bridge.

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