Two unexpected surprises

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Jason's pov

Me and Luke just finished a concert and are heading to the buses when a fan stops us. I glance at the buses so tired but it's just one fan. So we take pictures and stuff then I look back at the buses and two little girls sit on the steps. "Hey Luke look!" I gasp, pointing. He looks over. They look only about four. Why are they on their own. We walk over. "Hey, little girls where's your mommy and daddy?" Luke asks. They both have letters attached to their dresses and they're both silent. One's addressed to me and the other to Luke. The wind is getting chilly. We'll read them inside. We take the girls on my bus and put blankets on them since they're in very thin dresses. I unfold my letter. Dear Jason, this is Miranda your daughter. If you remember 4 years ago in Mobile. Either way, I don't have the means to take care of her. If you have the same big heart you did back then, you'll take care of her. Signed Jenny, your rock star. Oh jeez, that girl from Mobile now I remember. She had a kid and I didn't even know. Luke is reading his and his eyes are wide. It must be the same thing. "What's your girl's name?" I ask him. "Sierra, you?" "Miranda. I totally didn't expect this. I wish she called instead of leaving them on their own." "They didn't have our numbers. That's how one night stands work, genius. I just didn't expect them to track us down again." I am so not ready to be a dad. "I'm barely a kid myself! How am I gonna raise one!?" I grumbe, setting the note down. "Either way, these kids are our responsibility now. We have to man up." I nod.

*the next day*

Being a dad is tiring. I didn't sleep at all. She kept waking up in the middle of the night. I'm watching her right now while she plays with blocks. She's quiet though hasn't said a word. I call her name but she doesn't even respond. Crud, is there something wrong with her? I grab the note again and turning it over, I see a PS. PS, she's deaf and because of being deaf she doesn't talk. So that's why. I call Luke over. Sierra is much different. She's singing one of Luke's songs and riding on his shoulders. "Hey man, I think I'm gonna like being a daddy. I love this little girl." "My daughter is deaf." The shock registers on his face instantly. "Yeah, when we were little, our mommies were best friends." Sierra says. Luke sets her down. "What happened to her?" I ask. "Stranger came and pulled a gun, shot it off right by her head. She's been deaf since." I'm beyond shocked. Poor little girl. "What happened to your mommies?" That's when her eyes tear up. Uh oh. "They were killed by the mean guy." Holy shit! That must've been horrible for them to witness. I walk back in my bedroom where she still sits on the floor. I'm not sure how to communicate with her. I don't know sign language and I doubt at her age, she doesn't either. I tap her shoulder. She looks up reaching her arms to me. I pick her up. I have to get some help. "I'm calling off the tour, dude. I've got to figure out how to tackle this. And I'll have to learn sign language." "Yeah of course. Our kids come first." I nod and look at her. She's my kid. I have a kid. And I'm her dad. I'll do whatever it takes to help her. I go back to Nashville and take her to a place that specializes in deaf learning. I explain my story and everything and they say we have two options. One we can learn sign language which was my first thought or two she could get a cochlear implant. "What's that?" "A device that'll help her hear again." My eyes go wide. My girl will be able to hear again!! "Definitely that then." "It's expensive." He warns. "I am a country music superstar, money ain't a problem here." He smiles. "Well, let's go get this done." I call Luke and he and Sierra come up. Mirandas looks scared and she I know has no idea what's going on and they're friends so I figured Sierra could help. I was right because as soon as she walked through the door with Luke, she stopped crying. The little girls hugged and the doctor got it ready. She sits in my lap, playing with a doll while the doctor puts it on her. He presses a few buttons and turns some dials. She's oblivious to the whole thing. The room is dead quiet. All eyes focused on her as she still plays with the doll. The doctor snaps his fingers and her head snaps up. She heard it! She stares at the doctor confused. He snaps again. She can hear again. I can tell by her reaction. "We have to talk quietly or it could freak her out since this is so new to her." "Sweetheart." I say, quietly. She turns around, dropping the doll. She heard me. "Hey, I'm uh your daddy and you're gonna be living with me from now on." She's so confused. I jhar take her home and I'll figure it all out later. On the drive home, she hears music for the first time and I've never seen such a big smile on any kid in all of my 36 years.

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