Not a media kid

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Luke's pov

Caroline is ticked off that I found out I had a daughter. "C, it was before we ever even met! We weren't dating!" I gripe. "That's not what I'm mad about it, Luke and you know it!" I don't know why she's mad and I don't care. She's getting on my nerves. Jason calls to remind me of Sierra and Miranda's play date. "I know. I'm on my way." "Where are you going now!?" "Jason's." "You go over there every day now! Who else is over there? Some other girl!" "Yeah, his daughter. They're like sisters and grew up together so they like to see each other."

Jason's pov

Luke looks pissed off. "What's up, man?" "Caroline's giving me hell about all this." "See this is why I don't want a woman to complicate my life." He rolls his eyes. "What are we doing today?" I smile. "Watchin' football while the girls hang out." "Aw finally! Something I like." He says, sitting on the couch. I toss him a beer as the girls color in coloring books. "We're going back on tour soon. Who's got the girls?" He asks. "Miranda's coming with me. I don't like babysitters. Not for more than six months." "But what about when you're onstage?" "One of my tourmates can keep an eye on her then. I just don't wanna leave with her with someone for six months, her get attached, then have to leave her." "Makes sense." Caroline keeps calling him but he won't answer. She's just calling to cuss him out. I don't like her. She's way too controlling. "Here take it from a man who's been in your situation, get outta there while ya still can!" He laughs. "She'll be fine. She's just gotta accept the fact that she's not my only baby anymore." I don't know why he stays. She treats him like a slave. The rest of the day goes a lot like that then it's bedtime so they go home. My sweet daughter is already asleep on the couch. I just let her sleep there instead of waking her up.

*the next day*

I wake up with her sleeping on my chest. She must've woke up in the middle of the night. She's so silent I just didn't hear her. I wish she wasn't so quiet. It'll be harder for her to make friends. I pat her head and get up. She's luckily still asleep. I go downstairs and do the daily routine then Mike calls. "You ready?" "Yeah I just gotta get Miranda ready." "Ok, I'm sending a bus your way. Should be there in about an hour." "That's plenty of time." I hang up and get her clothes. "Hey, hun, time to get up. We've got to go in an hour." When I walk in she's just waking up. I get her dressed and pack our suitcases. "Where are we going?" "I'm gonna go play some music for people. And you're coming with me." Just then the bus pulls up. "I guess we'll grab breakfast on the way out of town." I get on the bus where the guys from the band already are. "Hey Kiddo." Tully says, waving. She sits on the couch beside him. He's real good with kids. I go back to my room to work on the set list for tonight.

Tully's pov

"Him having a daughter is gonna do great for his image." Mike says, annoying me. I grab his phone. "No way. Jason doesn't want his little princess to be some media kid. Leave them out of it. He's gonna announce it at the show anyway. They'll find out then." He glares at me so I hand his phone back. He calls them anyway. I text Jason about it and a few seconds later he comes back out. "You better not be doing that!" He gripes. "You're gonna get a lot of good-" "I don't care. She's shy! All those cameras and people shouting stuff at us will overwhelm her." "Well, it's too late I already called them." "Dammit Mike, do you ever listen to anyone!?" He gripes, stomping back in the other room. "Told ya." I grumble. He rolls his eyes.

Jason's pov

A few minutes later, Miranda comes and lays beside me. "Why'd you get mad earlier?" "Oh just Mike making problems. When we get there, stay close. There's gonna be alot of people." She scoots closer. I hug her. "Let's just sleep on it. I'll keep you safe." After about ten minutes, she's asleep. I still don't know what I'm gonna do with this mother predicament. I have to think of something though. I'll just keep an eye out since I had to cancel the party due to the tour.

Luke's pov

Jason texts me saying Mike told the media about Miranda. Oh man. Poor kid. She hates getting so much attention. "Hey daddy, can I come onstage with you?" I smile and pat her head. "You are, sweet girl. So is Miranda. I just don't know how she'll take it." "She was never good around other people. Mostly because the other little kids made fun of her." I sigh. That poor kid had it rough.


"Ya think the girls are ready?" Jason asks. "I'm a little nervous bringing Miranda onstage what with her being so shy." "They'll be fine." He glances backstage, wringing his hands. "If you're calm, she'll be calm. If you're worried, she'll be worried." He sighs. "Ok, let's do this." He walks up to the mic.

Jason's pov

Ok, can't be nervous, I don't want her to be nervous. "Hey guys, before we start the show, we have a little surprise. Please welcome the newest members of the Aldean and Bryan family. Our daughters Sierra and Miranda." Kurt and Rich walk out with them. I pick my daughter up and Luke picks his up. The fans cheer as is expected but what worries me Miranda keeps her head hidden. I'm so worried about the media.

*after the show*

Me and Luke are walking back to the buses with our girls when just as I feared the media shows up. "Crap. Remember what I said." She grips my leg. I pick her up, keeping her hidden. "This way!" Someone yells. I turn back. A girl on a golf cart. "Hurry!" She calls waving to us. "Let's go." He says. We run that way. "Step on it!" We easily get away from the media. "Thanks. You really saved our tails back there." She drives us to the bus. "Call me anytime ya need a pick up. The name is Rachel by the way." She says, handing me her number. "I'll uh definitely keep that in mind." I mumble. She drives away and Luke is staring at me. "Why are you staring at me like that?" "Wow, you found a girl fast!" He says, laughing. "Jeez, shut up man. We just met. I don't think you can see a connection that fast." He laughs again. "The reaction, your red face, the fact that you're still staring in the direction she drove off in." I roll my eyes. "Ok fine, I kinda like her. And I love how she got us out of that jam." "You sir have found your new mom." My eyes go wide. "New mom?" She asks, confused. "Uh...." I didn't want to tell her yet! "Dang you Luke." "Sorry, I thought you told her!" He gasps. I shake my head. "What's he talking about?" "I'll explain it later, honey, it's way passed your bedtime." She looks annoyed but it's true. It's almost midnight. "We'll talk in the morning." She crosses her arms annoyed but yawns proving my point. I lay her in the bed. "Now go to sleep. The sooner you go to sleep, the sooner it'll be morning." "I guess so. Goodnight daddy." "Goodnight sweetheart." I pull the blanket onto her and go lay down myself exhausted.

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