first date, first day of school, and first bully

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Jason's pov

Luke was right. Me and Rachel have a real connection and she's really good with kids. We were watching a movie and Miranda fell asleep in Rachel's lap. I think she'd make a great mom, plus I think I'm in love.

*the next day*

Luke's pov

Jason waves me over. "Dude, you're a genius. We are so dating now and I think she'll make a great mom." "Do you like her?" "No. I love her." I smile. "Congrats bud, did you get my text last night?" His cheeks get red. "Nah, we were.... Busy... I didn't even look at my phone last night." I laugh as he pulls his phone out. "Wait a sec, you're serious. No more controlling princess bitch?" I nod. "She's nothin' but trouble." We both laugh.

*a few years later*

Jason's pov

I walk in the house after a great day of hunting with Luke. I kiss Rachel on the cheek and pick up both girls. "2 little girls start school tomorrow." "I'm scared Daddy." Poor kid is still scared of everything. "Don't be baby girl, it'll all be okay. I promise." "Where's Luke?" Rachel asks. "Oh uh runnin' to get burgers and buns for the party this afternoon. I can't believe little Sierra is already seven years old. You're growin' up way too fast Missy." I tease. Just then I hear a horn honk. "Probably the guys." I say, setting the girls down and opening the door. Sure enough, it's Tully, Rich, and Kurt. Sierra runs out and hugs Tully. They're really close. "Uncle T, what'd ya bring me?" We all laugh like I hadn't laughed since I don't know when. "Sweetheart, why don't we wait til your daddy gets back." I gasp, patting her head. I turn back to my little six year old. "Ya want help me man the grill?" "Sure, I wanna wear the hat this time." She says smiling. I smile too, glad she's coming out of her shell a little. "You know it country girl." I say, putting my cowboy hat on her head. Luke finally makes it along with his girlfriend Lisa. I fire up the grill as she slaps on some burgers.

Luke's pov

"Happy birthday sweet girl." I say, hugging my sweet little princess. Brad and Eric show up. "Hey where's Blake? He's gonna be late." I mutter, slightly annoyed. "I thought that bromance was only during ACM week!" Brad jokes. "Oh ha ha, real funny." I grumble. Sierra squeezes my hand. "I'm hungry." "Well, let's go see if Uncle Jay is done with the burgers." We walk over there. "Hey birthday girl." He says. Miranda jumps off the stool. "Hey Sierra I got you a present." She says, surprising me. They both go inside. "Wow, didn't see that coming." He says. "This wasn't your doing?" He shakes his head. "All her. I like how she's opening up more." A few minutes later, they come back out and she runs over to me. "Daddy, Miranda made me a bracelet! See!" She cries, showing me. It says sisters 4 ever. I smile and hug her. "Its beautiful Sierra." "Me and mama made it together." Miranda says, shyly. I pat her head. "It's very pretty sweetheart." She smiles real big.

*the next day*

Sierra's pov

"Come on Mir. It's our first day of school. This will be so cool!" I gasp, grabbing my best friend's hand. Her other hand brushes her hearing aid which she does when she's nervous or worried. "I don't wanna go! I know the other kids'll make fun of me." "No they won't!" Uncle Jay calls up to us asking if we're ready. I hug her. "I'll be here to help you." She finally smiles. "Okay, let's do it!" We run downstairs and get in my dad's bronco. A few minutes later we're out in front of the school but Miranda won't budge. Her daddy sighs. "You guys go ahead, we'll be in in a minute."

Jason's pov

"Come on hun, school's gonna be fun. You'll have Sierra and mommy will be there too." "I don't wanna they'll be mean to me!" She whimpers, her hands clamped to the seat. "What do you mean? Sierra won't make fun of you!" "Not Sierra. The other kids will. Just like before." After a few more minutes of coaxing, I finally get her inside. She finds Rachel who luckily is her teacher. I hug both my girls and me and Luke leave.

Miranda's pov

I sit in my seat when I feel a tug on my ear. Then suddenly I can't hear anything. My hand flies to my ear and I start to panic. My hearing aid is gone!! I grab Sierra's shoulder and point to my ear. I hate talking when I can't hear myself. I sound weird.

Rachel's pov

Miranda starts crying. I rush over and notice her hearing aid is gone! I rush over and try to calm her down while I pull out my phone to call Jason.

Jason's pov

My phone rings. It's Rachel. That's odd since it's school hours. "Hey babe, what's up?" "Miranda's hearing aid is missing and she's freaking out." I jump out of my seat in surprise. Why did this have to happen!? "I'll bring her extra. I'll be up there in ten." I hang up and grab it then drive to the school.

Rachel's pov

I hold her as she cries. Just then Jason appears. Thank goodness! He puts the hearing aid in her ear and she cries on his shoulder. "It's okay, sweetheart I got ya." He soothes, rubbing her back. "I think I'm gonna take her home. She's not ready for school yet." He says, standing up, holding her in his arms. Poor girl. "Bye baby I'll see ya after school." I say, hugging them both. Sierra stares at the ground, an angry scowl on her face. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Some kid took her hearing aid and threw it in the fish tank." She says, pointing. I glare at the fish tank angrily. Why are kids so cruel nowadays? "Come on sweetheart let's go home."

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