A Rebel Child

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Sierra and Miranda are 16 and the twins are 8.

Jason's pov

I was reading the newspaper when Miranda comes downstairs. What the heck is she wearing?! "Where are you going?" I ask, lowering the newspaper. "Out." She says. "Not dressed like that you aren't!"

Miranda's pov

Ugh! "Come on dad, all the girls are wearing stuff like this!" He points to the stairs. "You aren't all the girls. You're my daughter and you aren't gonna go "out" half naked!" He gasps, using air quotes on out. I roll my eyes. Erica runs passed me to the den. "Ooh MirMir's getting in trouble." She says. "Get on." He calls, waving her away. She laughs and darts out of sight. "Upstairs now." I walk back upstairs, thoroughly annoyed.

Jason's pov

I can't believe her! Those shorts were way too short! She walks back down with jeans on. "Happy?" I nod. "Now where are you going?" "Me and Sierra were gonna catch a movie with Thomas and Daryl." Ugh boys. Daryl is Miranda's boyfriend and Thomas is Sierra's boyfriend. "Ok but if you go to a scary movie don't come home and scare the kids again." She laughs. "I won't. It's a romance anyway." "Alright sweetheart have fun." "I will. Don't wait up!" She calls, walking out. "Oh you know I will." I mumble, sitting back down with the newspaper.

Miranda's pov

Sierra hugs me and we meet up with the boys. "I thought we agreed on the short shorts?" He whines, grabbing my ass. I sigh. "Dad made me change." I grumble. He rolls his eyes. "That old man has you on a leash! You aren't a dog, Miranda!" Sierra gasps in surprise. She looks at me, probably wondering if I'm gonna defend dad. "I... I yeah. You're right. He's so controlling. Ugh parents!" I mutter, rolling my eyes. Sierra's jaw drops. He laughs. "Right about that baby." He says, both hands on my butt now. "Can we just go to the movie?" I mutter, looking away.


"You shouldn't have said that about him. You know your dad just cares about you!" I sigh. "I know! But if I defended him, Daryl probably woulda left." She crosses her arms. "I don't think Daryl is right for you." I sigh and stare at my shoes. I wish me and Keith never broke up. He was my first love. The boys get back with snacks and we drop all conversation. After the movie, we were walking down the street passing the different stores. "Ooh girl! You should get a tattoo!" Daryl gasps, grabbing my arm. My eyes go wide. "No!" I cry. "Oh but babe, it'll look so good!" Sierra shakes her head wide eyed. I shake my head too. "I don't think I should Daryl. Dad will be so mad!" "Screw him! You're your own person. It's your body!" "Yeah and I don't want to get a tattoo!" I shout getting worried. "Oh yes you do! Come on you'll love it!" I sigh and follow him in the tattoo parlor. "Don't do this!" Sierra gasps, grabbing my arm. "I-It's cool." I murmur, biting my lip. "Yes. My girl would like to get a tattoo." He says. I shakily nod. Why am I doing this?! "What would you like miss?" I'm about to reply when he says a rose and points to my chest! "I don't-" He covers my mouth.

*the next day*

Jason's pov

I walk by the bathroom and hear, "Ow... Ow." Huh? I knock on the door. "Hun? You okay in there?" "I.... Yeah I'm fine... I'll be out in a second!" Hm... Probably teenager things. I shrug it off and walk downstairs where Rachel is making breakfast. Luke walks in the kitchen looking pissed off. "Dude, you okay?" "No! Sierra told me Miranda got a tattoo!" My eyes go wide. "A WHAT?!" I shout furious!

Miranda's pov

Dad calls my name. I put the loose fitting shirt on. Hopefully it'll keep it from hurting. I walk downstairs, trying to hide the pain. Luke, Rachel, and dad don't look happy. Uh oh. "What's wrong?" I ask, sitting down. Dad looks to Luke. "Are you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to say it?" He asks, angrily. Uh oh. "T-Tell you w-what?" "You got a damn tattoo?! Why the fuck did you get a tattoo!?" How the heck did he find out?! I stand back up, trying not to cry. "W-Who told you?!" I cry. "Sierra told me." Uncle Luke says. "Where is it? Wait better yet what is it?" "It's just a small rose." I gasp. "Where?!" My face burns with embarassment. "My right breast." His eyes go wide. Crap. "Daryl said it would look great and I-" "I don't give a shit. You are not seeing this Daryl guy anymore!" My eyes go wide, tears filling them. "He's right!! You are too bossy! I'm not a dog and you can't treat me like I'm on a leash!" I yell, wiping my eyes and running out the front door.

Jason's pov

I'm about to run after her when Luke grabs my shoulder. "Just let her go, man." "No way! I'm not just letting her go!" "She's going through a rebel phase. She needs her space." I cant believe she got a tattoo. And that Daryl guy is a bad influence. I sit on the couch, beyond pissed. Rachel sits beside me. "You don't think I was too hard on her?" "Hell no. I woulda given her the third degree too." "She used to be such a sweet girl. Daddy's girl, ya know. Now she's just a teenage punk!" I mutter with a sigh. I wanna go back to those good times where she was a little girl, always under my feet, wanting to be just like me. Never wanting to be away from me. I miss who she used to be.

Miranda's pov

Suddenly I can't hear! Crap! I should've replaced these batteries! I sigh and take my hearing aids out. My stupid chest hurts. I regret getting a tattoo. I look at myself in the mirror. I dyed my hair a dark black. I'm wearing a sleeveless top that reveals my stomach. What happened to me? I run out of the bathroom, covering my eyes as tears fall. I run right into someone's arms. I move my hands. Dad?! I can't hear him. "I can't hear you. Batteries died." He puts a hand on my shoulder and we walk to his truck. He's got spares. He changes the batteries and hands them back to me. I stare at my shoes. "How'd you know where I was?" I gasp. He stares out the windshield as we drive home. "Dad?" "A father just knows this stuff." He says. He's mad at me. He's silent the rest of the drive home. "Go change right now and then we need to have a serious talk." I sigh and nod. I go to my room to change. I wonder what he's gonna say!

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