The Final Chapter

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Jason's pov

I'm sitting on the couch still trying to process everything. Keith asked her to marry her. She said yes. My daughter is getting married. I hear footsteps behind me. It isn't Rachel or the kids because they're out getting hair cuts. My oldest little girl sits on the couch beside me. "You okay?" "I'm scared. What if I'm not ready?" I wish I could say she wasn't. But she is. "You are sweetheart." "Sometimes I wish I could go back to being a kid. Back to a time when life was innocent and it was just me and you." "But I thought you liked the freedom of being an adult?" "I thought so too." She starts crying so I hug her tight. "There there baby girl. It's alright. You're gonna make a fantastic beautiful bride and I'm gonna be there every step of the way. You'll always be daddy's little girl." She looks up at me. "Always?" She asks. I smile and kiss her forehead. "Always." "I love you dad." She says hugging me again. "I love you too."

*later that night*

I walk in our bedroom where Rachel is already at. "When I said let her grow up this is not what I meant." I sit beside her confused. "What do you mean?" "She's too young to get married! She should wait!" I don't think so. The way she looks at Keith. They're perfect together. "It's not our choice." I say, pulling the blanket on me. "It's her decision. You said so yourself. Let her make her own mistakes and learn from them. I don't think this is a mistake though." She curls up beside me. "Are you sure? I'm just really worried." I smile for the first time in a while. Genuinely happy to say this. "Yeah she's ready. I'm sure of it." Rachel sits up, looking down at me with tears in her eyes. "Our little girl is getting married then." I smile. "She sure is." I pull Rachel back down. "Now let's stop thinking about it and go to bed. We have a long week ahead of ourselves."

*the next day*

I walk downstairs and am surprised to see Keith and Miranda asleep on the couch together. Her head on his shoulder and a bowl of popcorn in her lap. I carefully get it out so it doesn't spill. Yeah I really did raise her right. She doesn't drink or smoke or have sex yet. I'm very proud of her. I'm glad she also found someone she loves. I throw the popcorn away and clean the bowl then start on breakfast.

Miranda's pov

I stretch and yawn. Keith is still asleep beside me. His mouth hanging wide open. I laugh slightly and put my hearing aids back in. I hear someone in the kitchen. I walk to the kitchen doorway. Dad is cooking breakfast. I smile when I see him cooking French toast. He's about to flip it. "Your specialty huh dad?" I call. He gasps in surprise and drops the pan. I laugh hysterically. "Ha ha nice one. Give your old man two heart attacks in two weeks." I laugh and walk over. "Just doin' my job." I say. He rolls his eyes and gets back to cooking. "Hungry?" He asks. I smile and hug him. "Starving. I love your French toast." He hugs me too and hands me two plates of French toast with bacon eggs and warm buttery biscuit." "You're the best dad ever." I say, kissing his cheek. "And don't you forget it." I laugh and walk back out.

Jason's pov

"Keith wake up." I hear him groaning sleepily. "Hey honey." I walk to the doorway and watch the scene. She smiles down at him. "Get up. You haven't lived til you've tried my dad's French toast." She says, making me smile.


Miranda's pov

"Maybe I could teach you how to make my famous French toast." My eyes go wide. "Ugh daddy I wanna say yes but that's your thing. Ya know the thing I get super excited for. If I knew how to make it, it wouldn't be as exciting." I say. He laughs and pats my head. "You are one strange girl." I laugh. "Yeah but ya love me!" I say, hugging him. "That I do sweetheart, that I do." "Yo bride to be get yo ass up!" I laugh and turn around. "Hey Mrs. Rachel." She puts her hands on her hips. "How many times do I have to tell you to drop the Mrs." I laugh. "Come on sweetheart it's time to go dress shopping." I smile and run to her and hug her tight.

*hours later*

I can't wait to show my dress to dad. He's gonna love it. It's not too revealing either. We were getting a lunch break. "Ya know Rachel, when I was little and you and dad were getting married, I remember being so mad." "Huh? And why was that?" "I remember wanting to keep daddy all to myself. And now I just realized. He wants to do the same with me. I know he doesn't want me to grow up. He tries to hide it but not well." Sierra walks out. "Found the perfect maid of honor dress." I smile and stand up, hugging my best friend and sister. "I love you Sierra. So much. And I'm so glad to have you in my life." We both start crying in the mall.

Jason's pov

Rachel calls me telling me to get Luke and meet them in the food court at the mall. I remember her calling me like that when she was little and at school. I wonder what's up. We get to the mall and her and Sierra are hugging and crying. "What's wrong with them?" I whisper. "They're happy." She says, standing up and hugging me. She rests her head against my chest. Her arms around my neck, mine her waist. That sweet little girl is a grown woman now.

*one week later*

Miranda's pov

I was fixing my dress getting ready when dad walked in. He smiles and walks over. He fixes my tiara that was falling. "So ya like the dress?" I ask. "It's beautiful darlin'. Are you ready?" I stare at myself in the mirror and realize I'm not. I burst into tears and hug dad. "No I'm not! Mama isn't here! She should be here!" I fall to my knees sobbing. He hits his knees beside me, holding me tight. "Baby girl, you're mama is here. She'll always be here. And she's so proud of you. Just like I am." I look up at him, wiping my eyes. "Really?" "Of course princess." He helps me stand back up and I fix my make up. "Ready now?" He asks. I smile confidently. "I'm ready." I take his arm and he walks me down the aisle.


Jason's pov

They hug and kiss. Rachel cries on my shoulder. "I wish she was still little." I smile and hug my wife. "Just think about it this way. You still have two kids who are little." I say, pointing to Erica and James who are fast asleep beside us. She smiles down at them. "Yeah I do. Don't I." She looks at me with that same smile. "I love you, Rachel." "And I love you Jason." I kiss her gently and Keith sweeps my baby girl off her feet bridal style just like I did years before when I married Rachel. She's laughing and clinging to his neck. "Bye mom bye dad." My eyes go wide. They walk out of the church. Rachel stares at me wide eyed. "S-She c-called me mom!" I'm just as surprised but I do my best to hide it. "She sure did." I say, kissing her again. Me and Rachel walk to the doors. My hands in my pockets and a smile on my face. Keith gets in the limo and she's about to when she looks back at us. She runs over and hugs us both. "I love you guys. And I'll always be a daddy's girl." I hold her tight in my arms, not wanting to let go but knowing I have to. "And don't you forget it." I say, wiping my eyes.


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