Hearing her out

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Miranda's pov

Uncle Luke says dad is coming home in a few hours. I smile and hug Keith. Luke takes him back home and I wait on the couch for Dad and Mrs. Rachel. My locket clasped tightly in my hand. I open it, seeing the pictures of mom and dad. I miss mom so much. I hear dad's truck! I jump off the couch, close the locket and run to the front door.

Jason's pov

Miranda runs out and hugs me. Lisa stands in the doorway. "I missed you dad." "I missed you too hun." We go inside and I notice the absence of Luke. "Where's Luke?"

Lisa's pov

"Dropping-" but Miranda does the slit throat thing. "Uh I mean picking up dinner." I lie. He's too tired to pay attention to the fact that I was lying. I text Luke telling him to pick up something for dinner.

Jason's pov

That was a little weird but I'm too tired to care. I pick my daughter up. "Let's go get you to bed little miss." Rachel kisses my cheek and her forehead. "Goodnight sweetheart." She says. I carry her to her room, putting her to bed. "Daddy, when you saw Keith kiss me, I really really like him." "You do?" "Yeah. And he really likes me. It's weird. I never expected anyone to really love me." She looks down at her hands. I sit beside her confused. "What do you mean, honey? I love you. Rachel, Luke, Lisa, and Sierra love you." "I'm talking about not family. Who could love a girl who can't hear." She starts to cry and I hug her. "Keith does care about you. Just because you have a hearing aid, it doesn't change who you are. Did I ever tell you I wear hearing aids on stage." She looks up surprised. "You do?" I nod and take them out of my pocket. "It's to help me hear the music better." She smiles. I hand them to her. "Here, you use mine and I'll use yours." We switch hearing aids and I hug her.

*a few days later*

I'm about to go osntage when Luke brings Sierra and Miranda backstage. I smile, seeing her wearing the hearing aids I gave her. I put hers in. "Go rock the show." She says, smiling. I hug her and go onstage, singing Johnny Cash. I can easily see my beautiful baby girl in the arms of my wonderful new wife beside my best friends and his daughter rocking in the front row.

Sorry its so short

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