A Talk, A Break In, And A Gunshot

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Miranda's pov

Sierra texts me as I work up the nerve to go talk to dad.

S: what's going on?

M: dad's pissed at me.

S: oh jeez. Message me later when u get done.

M: I hope.

I sigh and pocket my phone and open the door. I walk down to the living room. Mrs. Rachel points to the den. The lights are off. "Dad-" "Is in the den." She says, not even looking at me. Great she's mad at me too! I walk into the den. "D-Daddy?" I stutter, worried. He's sitting at the desk with scotch and a glass in front of him. "Sit down." He turns on a lamp. I shakily sit down worried. "I don't know where I went wrong." He says. "I.... You went wrong?" I ask, confused. "When I said not to be so shy about everything, this is not what I meant at all. What in God's name were you thinking?! You aren't even 18 yet!" I stare at my hands, ashamed. "I wasn't thinking. Daryl-" "I don't wanna hear that name again. You stay the hell away from that boy." I nod. "Anyway he said I'd look better with it and I instantly regretted it. It was stupid and I won't do it again!" He pours more scotch into the glass. "You are grounded." He says. "I understand. I've been terrible. I... I don't wanna be like that anymore. I wanna be a better daughter!" I gasp, failing at not crying as tears rush down my eyes. "Sweetheart, you are a good daughter, you just... Fell for peer pressure. You can't let people take advantage of you!" I'm full blown crying. He stands up and walks around the desk, flipping on the overhead light. "Come here hun." He pulls me into a hug where I cry against his chest and feel like a total wuss. "I don't know what to do! Daddy, tell me what I can do!" "It's gonna be okay. We'll get this figured out. Now go to your room and no playing on your phone." I wipe my eye. "Okay."

Jason's pov

She leaves and I grab the scotch and sit beside Rachel in the living room. "What are we gonna do with her, Jason?" "I don't know. I wish I knew. She is never to see that Daryl guy again." "Agreed." "Maybe there's some kind of something that can remove a tattoo?" I mumble, lost in thought. "I wish I knew what happened to turn her all.... Different. Opposite of herself." Rachel's eyes go wide. "What is it, babe?" She stands up. "She started acting like this after her and Keith broke up!" I stand up too. "You really think it's over a boy?" "Jason, they dated for a good six years. Fourth grade to tenth." I don't think she should have been dating then anyway. "That boy cared about her. What broke them up?" "I... Don't know. I'll go ask her."

Miranda's pov

I took out my hearing aids and laid down to go to bed. A few minutes after closing my eyes, I feel a hand on my back. I open my eyes and gasp in surprise, seeing Daryl. I shakily back away. He says something but of course I can't hear him! He walks over, sliding his hands under my shirt, my chest is still unbearably sore from the stupid tattoo. I want him away from me.

Jason's pov

"No! Go away!" Huh? I run to the stairs, after hearing her cry out!

Miranda's pov

Daryl locks my door. "Just leave Daryl. I don't wanna be with you anymore!" I gasp, shaking. He laughs and says something again that I don't hear. He pushes me against the wall. "Let go of me!! Help!!" He slaps me in the face.

Jason's pov

Dammit! Her door is locked. "Baby girl, open the door!" I gasp. "Get off!! Help somebody help me!" Shit!! I throw my shoulder against the door. "Rachel get me my pistol!" I yell. "Don't worry sweetheart daddy's coming!" Rachel gets my pistol. "Stay away from the door!" I shoot the lock and throw the door open. She's crying against the wall while that Daryl jerk holds her there. "Get your damn hands off my daughter!" I growl, furious. She doesn't have her hearing aids in! "Oh come on, man, we're just goofing." He says. "Get the fuck off her and get out!" I shout raising my gun. "Hey hey cool it old man, no need for violence." I'll knock this fucker into next year. "I'll say this one more time... Then I'm pulling the fucking trigger. Get. Off. My. Daughter." I click it off safety. He yanks her up, holding her against his chest. Shit! I might shoot her.

Miranda's pov

Dad's eyes go huge. He lowers the gun. They talk but I can't hear them. Dad signs to me Stay Calm. I shakily nod, Daryl's arm around my neck. Suddenly he hands me my hearing aids. I put them back on. Dad's terrified. "Put the pistol down old man." He says. "Ok Ok just please don't hurt her." That's when I see the knife and gun in his hand, very close to my neck. I try not to cry again but I'm so scared. He cuts my shirt with the knife. "Leave her alone!" Dad yells. I whimper and shut my eyes. I hear the sound of a gun going off. Me eyes go wide and dad is clutching his stomach. He falls to his knees and I scream. "DADDY!!!" "Told you it would make you look so sexy." He whispers, his hot breath on my cheek. "G-Go away Daryl. Leave me alone!" I gasp. Suddenly a bullet shoots through his head. I scream in surprise and look at my father. He lowers the gun, rage in his eyes. "Rule one in a hostage situation, never take your eyes off the weapon." He says, a hand to his bullet wound. He winces, looking pale. Rachel stands at the door, shocked. I run to dad as he tries to stand up. "Dad!! Oh my God!!" I cry, my hands shaking. He leans against the wall, pain etched in his face and his teeth grit. He opens his eyes. "Put a damn shirt on." I shakily do that and he sits on the floor. Rachel drops her phone after calling an ambulance. I rush back to his side along with Rachel. "I'm fine. Where's the kids?" "Downstairs. I told them to stay down there no matter what." He forces a smile. "Good. Don't let them see me like this." He groans in pain. "Oh dad I'm so sorry this is all my fault!" I gasp, crying. He grabs my hand. "Baby girl, look at me. This is not your fault. It's that no good controlling sex crazed heathen's fault. I'm gonna be okay. Just calm down and help Rachel with the twins til I get back." Just then the EMTs run in. One grabs his hand and helps him stand up. "I'm gonna be fine." The EMT helps him onto the gurney and injects him with something. A few seconds later, he falls unconscious. I scream and run to the bed but Rachel holds me back. "Let go of me!" I screech. "DADDY!!!"

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